Let's get cooking

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Let's get cooking by Mind Map: Let's get cooking

1. 6. Elaborate a shopping list; They will make a presentation of this with powerpoint and uploaded in Slideshare

1.1. Price

1.2. Volume

1.3. preparation

2. 7. The students will make a video of themselves

2.1. - The process

2.2. - Which ingredients

2.3. -Personal reflection about the process

2.4. they will upload it to youtube.

3. 8. The poster of the activity making a poster using Glogster.

3.1. make an exposition

4. 1. The student will select the topic of his/her interest for developing procedural contents

4.1. 1. The students will reflect with their class the topic they are going to chose within the class, what they are interest about, related with their everyday life.

4.2. 2. Sharing ideas

4.3. 3. Chosen interest topic

5. 4. The pupils will look for informationin groups about the dish they have chosen, and play with the game online in order to get familiarized with it.

5.1. They also will look for information by asking somebody in their family and making an interview between (3-5 min)

5.2. Kidsclick

5.3. google kids

5.4. Buscador infantil

6. 2. The class will be divided into groups of 4 people,

7. 3. Each group will choose a particular Spanish dish by discussions and getting into agreements.

7.1. Lentils

7.2. Olla gitana

7.3. migas

7.4. cocido

8. 5. Debate and comment

8.1. Once they have the information. They will debate which ingredients, they will put in the Paella in their groups (vegetables, rabbit, chicken, mixed…).

8.2. Once they have the information. They will debate which ingredients, they will put in the Paella in their groups (vegetables, rabbit, chicken, mixed…).

9. The students will have to elaborate a shopping list

9.1. Cost