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Microsoft Surface da Mind Map: Microsoft Surface

1. What is it? / Introduction

1.1. Background info

1.1.1. ("Microsoft Surface Overview")

1.2. Highlights

1.2.1. (Wall)

2. How does it work?

2.1. Technical information

2.1.1. (Dietz and Eidelson 249)

2.2. The interface and lessons learned

2.2.1. (Hofmeester and Dennis 4629)

3. How is it useful?

3.1. Business applications

3.1.1. ("Microsoft Surface Demo @ CES 2008")

4. Competitors

4.1. Sony's ataracTable

4.1.1. (King)

4.1.2. (Personal thoughts)

5. Recommendations / Conclusion

5.1. Personal thoughts about the technology