EC3 Structural Steel Beam Design

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EC3 Structural Steel Beam Design by Mind Map: EC3 Structural Steel Beam Design

1. Fully Restrained

1.1. Local Bucking and Section Classification (Web)

1.1.1. Section classification Flange Formula for local buckling

1.1.2. Class 1(Plastic)

1.1.3. Class 2(Plastic)

1.1.4. Class 3(Elastic)

1.1.5. Class 4

1.2. Shear Check - Vc,Rd

1.2.1. Find Av. followed by Vpl

1.3. Moment Check - Mc,Rd

1.3.1. Low shear Mc,rd

1.3.2. High shear Mc,rd P for high shear

1.4. Deflection check

1.4.1. Maximum deflection

2. Web Buckling and Bearing check

2.1. Depending on type, kf formula is different

2.2. Find Fcr

2.3. Find m1

2.4. Find m2

2.5. Specifically for type c

2.6. Find Iy, depending on what type

2.7. Find λf - if >0.5, proceed to step 8. if <0.5, go back to step 4to find new section

2.8. step 8- 11

3. Laterally Unrestrained

3.1. Lateral Torsion Buckling Check - Find Mb,rd

3.1.1. Step 1 - Find Lcr

3.1.2. Step 2 - Find Mcr C1 Value can be obtained from diagrams or a formula C1 formula

3.1.3. Step 3 - Find non-dimensional slenderness

3.1.4. Step 4- find h/b

3.1.5. Step 5 - Find Φ

3.1.6. Step 6 -find reduction factor

3.1.7. Step 7 - Find Mb,Rd > Mmax

4. Section Properties

5. Factored loading = 1.35 DL + 1.5 LL