EC3 Structural Steel Column Design

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EC3 Structural Steel Column Design par Mind Map: EC3 Structural Steel Column Design

1. Horizontal Check

2. Section properties

3. Section Classification and Local buckling

3.1. Tubular section

3.2. flange section classification

3.2.1. Web section classification Local buckling formula

3.2.2. class 1(plastic)

3.2.3. class 2 (elastic)

3.2.4. class 3

3.2.5. class 4

4. Compression check, Nc,Rd > Ned

5. Buckling Resistance check, Nb,Rd

5.1. Find Lcr

5.2. Find Ncr

5.3. Find non-dimensional slenderness λ

5.4. Find h/b and refer to table 6.2 to see which buckling curve to use for α

5.5. α value for different buckling curve