The Classroom

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The Classroom by Mind Map: The Classroom

1. ADD

1.1. Observable Behaviors

1.2. Inattention,hyperactivity, impulsivity, fidgets, difficulty with memorizing and organization.

1.3. Learning Outcomes: Strengths-Good at math and reading, artistic, deep thinkers, kind and caring, good gross motor skills. Weaknesses-difficulty with organization, instructions, and memory skills, long term projects, may lack participation in group work, ordered steps,

1.4. Qualitative Data: hands on working, kinesthetic challenges, self talk, visualization. Quantitative-worksheets, simple oral directions, written instructions, check assignments, reduce work into small segments.

1.5. Reducing Confounding Data: provide quiet less distracting environment, allow for visual and tactile testing, provide extra test time or short segments of testing time. Simplify instructions and break down into segments.

2. Cognitive Processing

2.1. Behavioral Observations

2.2. Difficulty with focus, attention, and multi-tasking, problems with decoding, difficulty sequencing during story telling, high signs of anxiousness or frustration.

2.3. Learning Outcomes: Strengths-Positive response to picture schedules Enjoys multi-modal activities and involved. Weaknesses- reading, writing, and language/speaking, sequencing, test taking and comprehension skills.

2.4. Qualitative Data: 1 on 1 instruction/teaching, segmenting work, reading directly to student, or student reading aloud, guided assignments. Qualitative-assisted compatible technologies, plain language, proper assessments of all skills within diagnostic, formative, and summative means.

2.5. Reducing Confounding Data: Allow more time, readability of text, minimize parts of assignment, incorporate feedback, and immediate responses, reduce distractions.

3. Autism

3.1. Observable Behavior

3.2. Social interaction is challenging,uncontrolled reactions to sensory information and certain textures, uncooperative to change (routine), limited range of topics, or use of repetitive phrases, rocking in seat.

3.3. Learning Outcomes: limited range of topics, or use of repetitive phrases, difficulty prioritizing, or sequencing. Strengths-attention to detail, tend to prefer logical challenges, visual processors, and independent thinkers.

3.4. Qualitative Data: Establishing checklists or routines for students. Verbal feedback, observational, journals, portfolios, and engagement . Quantitative- labs, quizzes, diagnostic, formative, and summative.

3.5. Reducing Confounding Data: Provide breaks, allow notes for test, cooperative testing, read test to student, ask student how they want to be tested, allow for flexible test answering.

4. Gifted

4.1. Behavioral Observations

4.2. Perfectionist, idealistic, mappers and leapers, problem solvers, abstract thinkers.

4.3. Learning Outcomes: Strengths-Independent thinker, creative, inventive, rapid learner, widely read. Weakness-fidget, overexcited, boredom, may be bullied.

4.4. Qualitative Data: needs less practice, superior skills, well organized and goal directed. Quantitative: achievement test, IQ, tests, quizzes, high performance.

4.5. Reducing Confounding Data: Differentiation of instruction, proper scholastic placement, honors, advanced placement.

5. Emotional/Behavorial Issues

5.1. Observable Behaviors

5.2. Overt: disruptive, aggressive, non-conforming to rules, argumentative. Covert-shy, respectful, isolation, negative talk about themselves, easily frustrated, and may shutdown.

5.3. Learning Outcomes; Strengths-Opportunity to acquire conflict resolution skills Opportunity to establish appropriate relational boundaries. Weaknesses- self management, appropriate self expression, coping, or direction following.

5.4. Qualitative Data: Observational by journal entry, peer to peer interaction, self management practices, and language control/development. Qualitative: plan development (checklist), timelines, proper testing/assessment protocals

5.5. Reducing Confounding Data: provide proper pacing, implement proper interventions for all skill development,