Brain Based Learning

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Brain Based Learning by Mind Map: Brain Based Learning

1. Collaborate

1.1. allow contribution

1.2. games

1.3. role play

1.4. brains develop better in concert with other brains

2. Basic Needs

2.1. Water

2.1.1. have access all day

2.2. Protein

2.2.1. before /during school day

2.3. Sleep

2.3.1. 2.5 times more likely to be in control when they get 9 hours of sleep daily

2.4. Exercise

2.4.1. 15-20 min of movement

2.4.2. Change seating orader

3. Learning Styles

3.1. Visual

3.1.1. - mind maps

3.1.2. graphic organizers

3.1.3. variety of mediums

3.1.4. lots of colour/texture

3.1.5. interesting visual stimuli (posters)

3.2. Interpersonal

3.2.1. allow opportunities for independent work

3.3. Intrapersonal

3.4. Verbal - Linguistic

3.5. Mathematical/Logical

3.6. Musical

3.6.1. listen to music

3.6.2. create music

3.6.3. incorporate music

3.7. Bodily Kinesthetic

3.7.1. building

3.7.2. moving

3.7.3. exercise fuels creativity

3.8. Naturalistic

3.8.1. incorporate nature/environment

4. Emotions

4.1. constant feedback

4.2. "Emotion is the gate keeper of learning"

4.3. dignified withdraw plans

4.4. use student names as much as possible

4.5. praise publicly

4.6. reprimand privately

4.7. laugh / tell jokes

4.8. create safe environment "relaxed alertness"

4.9. positive correlation between emotion and physical activity

5. Memory

5.1. state what they have learned

5.2. meaningful applications

5.3. audio/video review

5.4. shift environment

5.5. 10/24/7 memory

5.6. acronyms

5.7. allow 3-5 seconds to thinking before answering

5.8. make meaningful connections

6. Motivation

6.1. question based learning

6.2. What's In it for me?

6.3. greet each student by name

6.4. high-five/secret handshakes

6.5. special props

6.6. use student names as much as possible

6.7. praise publicily

6.8. reprimand privately

6.9. class rituals to start each day

6.10. positive statements

6.11. allow student to be a part of assessment

6.12. give ownership over instruction

6.13. attention getting

6.14. positive correlation between motivation and physical activity