Online & distance education Journals

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Online & distance education Journals by Mind Map: Online & distance education Journals

1. Adult education quarterly

2. Adult learning

3. British journal of educational technology

4. Active learning in higher education

5. Computer assisted language learning

6. Computers and education an international journal.

7. Education communication and information

8. Higher education research and development

9. International journal of educational research

10. International journal of lifelong education

11. Journal of computer assisted learning

12. Journal of educational media

13. The Journal of educational research

14. Learning, media and technology

15. Open learning

16. Studies in the education of adults

17. Learning and instruction

18. Review of education research

19. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning

20. British Journal of Educational Technology

21. American Educational Research Journal

22. Industrial and commercial training

23. Educational psychologist

24. Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning.

25. Australasian journal of educational technology (Online)

26. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication

27. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

28. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems

29. Decision Support Systems

30. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education

31. Educational Media International

32. Educational Technology Research and Development

33. Research in Learning Technology

34. International journal of technology enhanced learning

35. Journal of Interactive Online Learning

36. Technology, Pedagogy and Education