Simple MakerSpaces in Schools

Simply stated, a MakerSpace is a creative, DIY space where students can gather to create, invent and learn together. During this workshop, we'll brainstorm and share practical ways to simplify MakerSpaces in your learning environment. Learn about books, projects, tools and materials that can be added to your library or classroom collection to give your students a MakerSpace. We'll also discuss projects that can be done to meet common core goals, while still letting kids get creative.

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Simple MakerSpaces in Schools by Mind Map: Simple MakerSpaces in Schools

1. 1. Participants

1.1. Who's here, what do you already know and what do you want to know about MakerSpaces?

2. 4. Time to Learn

2.1. Choose one of the links above or stations to start learning & brainstorming!

3. 5. Brainstorm

3.1. How will you incorporate the Maker Movement in your learning environment this September?

3.2. How can you inspire communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking through Maker Projects?

4. 3. Teaching Resources

4.1. MakerSpace Playbook

4.2. Instructables

4.3. Make Magazine

4.4. LittleBits Lessons

4.5. MakeyMakey How To

4.6. Pinterest

5. Agenda

5.1. 1. Participants

5.2. 2. MakerSpaces in School Environments

5.3. 3. Teaching Resources

5.4. 4. Time to Learn

5.5. 5. Brainstorm

6. 2. MakerSpaces in School Environments

6.1. "Makerspaces are collaborative workshops where young people gain practical hands-on experience with new technologies and innovative processes to design and build projects. They provide a flexible environment where learning is made physical by applying science, technology, math, and creativity to solve problems and build things." "High School Makerspace Tools & Materials." (n.d.): n. pag. Apr. 2012. Web. 10 July 2015.

6.2. We are Teachers: "Making Matters! How the Maker Movement Is Transforming Education"

7. Simply stated, a MakerSpace is a creative, DIY space where students can gather to create, invent and learn together. During this workshop, we'll brainstorm and share practical ways to simplify MakerSpaces in your school. Learn about books, projects, tools and materials that can be added to your library or classroom collection to give your students a MakerSpace. We'll also discuss projects that can be done to meet common core goals, while still letting kids get creative.

8. "If you can imagine it, you can make it!" - MakerSpace Playbook

9. Emily Gibson, Library Media Specialist Little Falls City School District [email protected]