Zoos are confinement camps which should be removed. Do you agree?

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Zoos are confinement camps which should be removed. Do you agree? by Mind Map: Zoos are confinement camps which should be removed. Do you agree?

1. Animals are also living things and deserve to be free and not to be caged around. Hence zos should be removed.

2. I feel that animals should have their own rights as well as we humans do

3. If we human ain't happy about living in a cage do the animals also wont be too happy living in a cage too. they have a life we have a life so why should they live in a cage while we have so much freedom.

4. Agree

4.1. The animals in zoos have very little space to roam around and they have very limited freedom.

5. Do not agree

6. Disagree.

7. Animals in zoos have either been bred in captivity or need to receive medical attention. Animals born and raised in zoos do not have the survival skills to be let out into the wild and have had nothing taken away from them. These animals are well cared for and are not harmed in anyway. They prevent the extinction of many animals. -Huixin

8. We will learn more about animals and children can learn more about it if not where will they be able to look at animals as well as understand them? Zoo is there for a reason and I'm sure the zoo has more than enough space for the animals let's take Singapore Zoo as an example not all the animals are cramped into a space they are design to look like their home in the wild to give them the feel like they are home.