All Possible Pairs
by Steve S
1. Two suLists
1.1. Find all common unique dates and group lines of both regions according to each date. This will create two lists of electrodes one for each region, for each day.
1.2. For each date group, create ValidIndex (VI) groups to filter accordingly (ex keep only Visual, or statisticaly important or any sulist attribute). Again we have two different VI groups for each region's sulist for each day. (whose each line differ in electrodes, and RF - VIs have same number of lines - equal with common dates).
1.3. As did with the date, we search for common RFs in both groups (for each day = each VI line). Then we filter them again in order to contain only common RFs (between the sulists). We have two groups (of sulists indices), containing same day, same attributes electrodes and multiple, but common RFs.
1.3.1. We find unique RFs in each region (two sulists).
1.3.2. We choose the the SMALLER list of RFs to search for them in the bigger list (for the apparent reason that some elements of the bigger list are NOT part of the small - and we cannot create pair from 2 electrodes of the same list) We get the common RFs for both groups.