Role as a teacher

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Role as a teacher by Mind Map: Role as a teacher

1. Fun learning options

1.1. Not just a teacher, a friend

2. Facultiy

2.1. Work in unison with other teachers

3. Professional development

3.1. Ongoing training

4. Be adaptive

4.1. Need to be able to think quick in difficult learning situations

5. School development

5.1. Make decisions to improve school as a whole

6. Have fun

6.1. Enjoy what and how you teach

7. Communication

7.1. Giving instructions

7.1.1. Great explaination

8. Provide knowledge to all students

8.1. Many different types of learners

9. Safe learning environment

9.1. Keep the learning environment happy and friendly

10. Be professional

10.1. In and out of school

11. Take direction

11.1. Adhere to guidelines of your responsabilities