Media and Community Building
by Diane Durette
1. Process Tools
1.1. Mind mapping
1.2. Process maps/diagrams
1.3. KN Exercise
2. Problem-based Learning (Cases)
2.1. Online Tools
2.1.1. Mindmeister
2.1.2. Voicethread
3. Resources for Help
3.1. Community Resource Center
3.2. Email with Professor/Peers
3.3. Chat with Professor/Peers
3.4. Peers posting additional websites/information
4. Sharing Information
4.1. Diigo
4.2. Wikispaces
4.3. Twitter
4.4. Course Question and Answer Forum
5. Course Description
5.1. Objectives
5.1.1. Access
5.1.2. Training
5.1.3. Technical Development
5.1.4. Community Mobilization
6. Suggestions for Enhancing Material
6.1. Use of Wimba Classroom
6.2. 3 Cases instead of 4
6.3. Additional suggested readings
6.4. Peer Feedback
7. Gathering Information
7.1. Community Resource Center
7.2. UMASS Boston Healey Library
7.3. Internet Research
8. Steps to Understanding Material
8.1. Organizing information using Process tools
8.2. Presenting organized information using Power Point enhanced by Voicethread
8.3. Exploring links and common themes via Discussion Forum
8.4. Using written material to draw conclusions
8.4.1. Conference Proposal
8.4.2. Policy Brief