
This map illustrates the possible uses of publishing in the classroom, at home, and both.

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Publishing by Mind Map: Publishing

1. Home

1.1. Photobook Sharing

1.1.1. Shutterfly

1.1.2. Flickr

1.1.3. Kodak

1.2. Online Publishing

1.3. Social Networking

1.3.1. Facebook

1.3.2. Youtube

1.3.3. Myspace

2. Both

2.1. Google docs

2.2. Online Publishing

2.3. Wiki

2.4. Angel

2.5. Social Networking

2.5.1. Twitter

2.5.2. Edmodo

2.6. Blogs

3. School

3.1. Podcasts

3.2. Teachertube

3.3. Music Publishing Software

3.3.1. Garage Band

3.4. Yearbooks

3.5. Websites

3.6. Class Book