Fundamentals and literature review of Fourier transform in power quality issues

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Fundamentals and literature review of Fourier transform in power quality issues by Mind Map: Fundamentals and literature review  of Fourier transform in power quality issues

1. Overview of Fourier series and Fourier transform

1.1. Fourier series

1.2. Fourier transform


2.1. Methods dependent on DFT and FFT

2.2. Methods dependent on wavelet transform and FFT

2.3. Methods dependent on neural networks

2.4. Methods dependent on fuzzy logic

2.5. Methods dependent on other methods

2.6. Published review papers on FFT

3. Key words

3.1. Power quality disturbances

3.2. literature review

3.3. harmonics

3.4. Fourier transform


4.1. Fast Fourier transform

4.2. Decimation in Time

4.3. decimation in frequency

4.4. Inverse fast Fourier transform

4.5. Advantages and disadvantages of FFT