Australian Curriculum - Technologies

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Australian Curriculum - Technologies por Mind Map: Australian Curriculum - Technologies

1. Aims and objectives

1.1. To develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to ensure that, individually and collaboratively, students:

1.2. •investigate, design, plan, manage, create and evaluate solutions

1.3. •are creative, innovative and enterprising when using traditional, contemporary and emerging technologies, and understand how technologies have developed over time

1.4. •make informed and ethical decisions about the role, impact and use of technologies in the economy, environment and society for a sustainable future

1.5. •engage confidently with and responsibly select and manipulate appropriate technologies − materials, data, systems, components, tools and equipment − when designing and creating solutions

1.6. •critique, analyse and evaluate problems, needs or opportunities to identify and create solutions.

1.7. •These aims are extended and complemented by specific aims for each Technologies subject.

2. Subjects

2.1. Digital Technologies

2.1.1. Foundation to Year 2 Digital Technologies Knowledge and Understanding Identify, use and explore digital systems (hardware and software components) for a purpose (ACTDIK001) Recognise and explore patterns in data and represent data as pictures, symbols and diagrams (ACTDIK002) Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills Collect, explore and sort data, and use digital systems to present the data creatively (ACTDIP003) Follow, describe and represent a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve simple problems (ACTDIP004) Explore how people safely use common information systems to meet information, communication and recreation needs (ACTDIP005) Work with others to create and organise ideas and information using information systems, and share these with known people in safe online environments (ACTDIP006)

2.1.2. Years 3 and 4 Digital Technologies Knowledge and Understanding Explore and use a range of digital systems with peripheral devices for different purposes, and transmit different types of data (ACTDIK007) Recognise different types of data and explore how the same data can be represented in different ways (ACTDIK008) Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills Collect, access and present different types of data using simple software to create information and solve problems (ACTDIP009) Explain how developed solutions and existing information systems meet common personal, school or community needs, and envisage new ways of using them (ACTDIP012) Define simple problems, and describe and follow a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve them (ACTDIP010) Implement simple digital solutions as visual programs with algorithms involving branching (decisions) and user input (ACTDIP011) Work with others to plan the creation and communication of ideas and information safely, applying agreed ethical and social protocols (ACTDIP013)

2.1.3. Years 5 and 6 Digital Technologies Knowledge and Understanding Investigate how digital systems use whole numbers as a basis for representing all types of data (ACTDIK015) Investigate the main components of common digital systems, their basic functions and interactions, and how such digital systems may connect together to form networks to transmit data (ACTDIK014) Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills Acquire, store and validate different types of data and use a range of commonly available software to interpret and visualise data in context to create information (ACTDIP016) Define problems in terms of data and functional requirements, and identify features similar to previously solved problems (ACTDIP017) Design a user interface for a digital system, generating and considering alternative designs (ACTDIP018) Design, modify and follow simple algorithms represented diagrammatically and in English involving sequences of steps, branching, and iteration (repetition) (ACTDIP019) Implement digital solutions as simple visual programs involving branching, iteration (repetition), and user input (ACTDIP020) Explain how developed solutions and existing information systems are sustainable and meet local community needs, considering opportunities and consequences for future applications (ACTDIP021) Manage the creation and communication of ideas and information including online collaborative projects, applying agreed ethical, social and technical protocols (ACTDIP022)

2.2. Design and Technologies

2.2.1. Foundation to Year 2 Design and Technologies Knowledge and Understanding Identify how people design and produce familiar products, services and environments and consider sustainability to meet personal and local community needs (ACTDEK001) Explore how technologies use forces to create movement in products (ACTDEK002) Explore how plants and animals are grown for food, clothing and shelter and how food is selected and prepared for healthy eating (ACTDEK003) Design and Technologies Processes and Production Skills Explore needs or opportunities for designing, and the technologies needed to realise designed solutions (ACTDEP005) Visualise, generate, develop and communicate design ideas through describing, drawing and modelling (ACTDEP006) Use materials, components, tools, equipment and techniques to safely make designed solutions (ACTDEP007) Use personal preferences to evaluate the success of design ideas, processes and solutions including their care for environment (ACTDEP008) Sequence steps for making designed solutions and working collaboratively (ACTDEP009)

2.2.2. Years 3 and 4 Design and Technologies Knowledge and Understanding Recognise the role of people in design and technologies occupations and explore factors, including sustainability that impact on the design of products, services and environments to meet community needs (ACTDEK010) Investigate how forces and the properties of materials affect the behaviour of a product or system (ACTDEK011) Investigate food and fibre production and food technologies used in modern and traditional societies (ACTDEK012) Investigate how and why food and fibre are produced in managed environments (ACTDEK021) Design and Technologies Processes and Production Skills Critique needs or opportunities for designing, and investigate materials, components, tools, equipment and processes to achieve intended designed solutions (ACTDEP024) Generate, develop, communicate and document design ideas and processes for audiences using appropriate technical terms and graphical representation techniques (ACTDEP025) Apply safe procedures when using a variety of materials, components, tools, equipment and techniques to make designed solutions (ACTDEP026) Negotiate criteria for success that include consideration of sustainability to evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions (ACTDEP027) Develop project plans that include consideration of resources when making designed solutions individually and collaboratively (ACTDEP028) Investigate the role of food preparation in maintaining good health and the importance of food safety and hygiene (ACTDEK022)

2.2.3. Years 5 and 6 Design and Technologies Knowledge and Understanding Investigate how people in design and technologies occupations address competing considerations, including sustainability in the design of products, services and environments for current and future use (ACTDEK019) Investigate how forces or electrical energy can control movement, sound or light in a designed product or system (ACTDEK020) Investigate how and why food and fibre are produced in managed environments (ACTDEK021) Investigate characteristics and properties of a range of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment and evaluate the impact of their use (ACTDEK023) Design and Technologies Processes and Production Skills Critique needs or opportunities for designing, and investigate materials, components, tools, equipment and processes to achieve intended designed solutions (ACTDEP024) Generate, develop, communicate and document design ideas and processes for audiences using appropriate technical terms and graphical representation techniques (ACTDEP025) Apply safe procedures when using a variety of materials, components, tools, equipment and techniques to make designed solutions (ACTDEP026) Negotiate criteria for success that include consideration of sustainability to evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions (ACTDEP027) Develop project plans that include consideration of resources when making designed solutions individually and collaboratively (ACTDEP028)

3. Student diversity

3.1. Enlgish as an additional language or dialect

3.2. Students with a disability

3.3. Gifted and talented students

4. Cross curriculum priorites

4.1. Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander histories and cultures

4.2. Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia

4.3. Sustainability

5. General Capabilities

5.1. Literacy

5.2. Numeracy

5.3. Critical and creative thinking

5.4. Information and communication technology (ICT) capability

5.5. Personal and social capability

5.6. Ethical understanding

5.7. Intercultural understanding