effective strategies for adult learners to stay inspired and engaged in college courses.

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effective strategies for adult learners to stay inspired and engaged in college courses. by Mind Map: effective strategies for adult learners to stay inspired and engaged in college courses.

1. How do you overcome fear of failure associated with being an adult in college?

1.1. Change the way you think and start looking at life with a new paradigm. Failure is inevitable, and necessary; The only way to learn is to make mistakes. Do not let the fear of failure paralyze you.

1.1.1. Try to think more positively. Doing this, you will boost your confidence and self esteem. Believing that you will fail will sabotage your future education and career. Diminish any fear of the unknown. You can do this by analyzing potential outcomes of your decisions. If you fail a course, have a contingency plan to help you feel confident in any trial that comes your way. Set small goals for yourself. After you achieve those small goals, reward yourself. By setting small goals instead of setting large goals, you may feel more confident.

2. What can you do to motivate yourself when you loose interest in school and you are no longer engaged mentally in your classes?

2.1. Visualize your future after you graduate. Thinking about your success frequently will motivate you to keep applying yourself.

2.1.1. Have an active and healthy lifestyle. Exercising your body before doing your school work will engage your mind. Determine what is causing the lack of motivation in your school work and eliminate the problem, if at all possible. You have to acknowledge the problem to fix it. Reach out to an instructor or student advisor about your lack of motivation. Make a course of action rather than getting burnt out and overwhelmed. There is no reason to rush through your courses. You need to absorb the knowledge, not barely pass the test and forget.