Six-Seven Figure Instant Online Business Idea
by Self Help
1. Freebie List Builder
1.1. #1 “The money’s in the list”. How many times have you heard that before? Tons right? That’s because it’s true. An email list of subscribers hungry for information from you means you can promote your products or other people’s products to them for a commission and make a fortune as and when you want to. Building an email list is NOT easy though. In the self help industry you have to really stand out in order to get people to sign up to your email list. Just giving away a free newsletter or report is no longer good enough. You need to really give awesome value if you want to build an email list in this industry. The good news is that you can give away awesome value straight away. Let everyone else give away a free report, they’ll struggle. What you can do is give away, say, six hours worth of self help audio. If they opt in to your email list you’ll give them instant access to the self help audio. That’ll make you gleam amongst the competition. Even better turn a couple of the audio programs into video and I GUARANTEE you will build a very, very impressive email list. Hardly anyone in the self help industry is selling video yet let alone giving it away. That’s where you can dominate. Give away a couple of free online videos in exchange for email addresses of people who visit your web site and watch your list go through the roof.
1.2. Example Business Idea ‘Money Making Genius’ Freebie List Builder - Sign up to an account at and create simple opt in form (very simple just follow the instructions at - Choose and register a suitable domain name at . For example, . - Create a simple one page web site. Say you are giving away say ten hours of free audio to two of the best wealth mindset books ever published – ‘Think And Grow Rich’ and ‘The Science Of Getting Rich’. In return all you ask is for them to fill in their name and email address and they’ll get instant access to the audios. - OR you could convert the two books into video and give them away in return for people’s details – that will make your free offer even more irresistible than giving away just the audio. - Use any of the techniques included in the Infopreneur Seminar (included with this course) to drive traffic to your freebie offer. For example, you could submit articles (which we have provided you with) to article directories for free. - Make sure you include a link to your web site in the ‘author bio’ section of the article so that people who read your article will be directed to your web site and sign up to your offer. - Sit back and watch your list grow on autopilot. 7 - Once you have a list of a couple of thousand or so, you can promote other relevant self help products to your list, such as a self help video ‘classic limited edition’ box set that you have created yourself. OR you can find other people’s self help products and promote them to your list as an affiliate – you’ll be paid a commission for each sale you make. - You can literally generate cash on demand once you have built your list!
2. One Time Offer -OTO- $27 - $47
2.1. #1 This leads on from the freebie list builder. Bundle together some of the audios and manuals, and, if you can, a video or two, and sell it for $27 - $47. Sell it through and use their affiliate program platform to let anyone else who promotes your site get 75% commissions for any sales they make. That may seem a lot but the idea here is that you put your list numbers through the roof and build it into the thousands overnight by offering exceptional value for money. What you can do is approach web sites in the self help niche and ask them to promote your site. They’ll make money from any sales they make and you build an email list, for free, which you can make money from for years to come!
2.2. Example Business Idea ‘Self Help Genius’ One Time Offer - Choose and register a suitable domain name at . For example, . - Take two self help titles, such as ‘How to Live on 24 Hours a Day’ and ‘Character - Building Thought Power’. Then bundle together the audios and manuals and sell them for $27 - $47. - OR, if you have time, turn the two books into videos, using the video creation manual included with this course, and include them together in the bundle (with videos included you would sell them at the upper end of that price range). 9 - You sell your bundle from a simple web site that you create using the templates included in with this package. - Sign up to an account at . Sell your bundle through and use their affiliate program platform to pay 75% commissions to anyone who generates a sale by promoting your site. - Approach web sites in the self help niche and ask them to promote your site for 75% commissions. - They’ll send traffic to your site who will hopefully buy your product. You could also have your freebie opt in box on your web site as well, so if people don’t choose to buy, they can at least sign up to your lesser freebie offer and you build your list ready for future promotions – a win win situation!
3. Viral Marketing
3.1. #1 I know some people won’t want their own web site. Ideally if you want to earn the BIG cash you will. But some won’t. So can you profit without a site? Hell yes! First of all get the audio version of one of the self help books and upload the audio to . Next, get the raw document book version of that self help book and do some basic formatting so it looks presentable as a modern manual. On the first page of the manual version (and in the footer of each page) have in big letters “To download the audio version of this book click here” and have the link to the itunes store where people can buy the audio download for that book. Convert your new manual into PDF format using the free software (make sure you use this as most other PDF converters do not convert clickable links which will cause you problems later). Then use the software from to convert your PDF into a viral PDF. Then you just spread your new viral PDF all over the internet. (Viral marketing is covered in detail in the Infopreneur Apprentice). This means anyone who gets their hands on it can pass it on to others. And remember it has that clickable link in it which directs people to the audio download version at the itunes store. At itunes you should sell the audio for $9.95-$19.95. The more you spread your great manual, the more itunes sales of the audio version you’ll make! All you have to do is sit back and watch the money come rolling in. 11 This means you can make money without ever having to market anything yourself (the viral PDF being spread around does that for you) and without a web site (sell directly from itunes and they will send you a payment for any sales you make). It’s the perfect business for those who don’t want their own site. I’ll be honest with you here, you won’t become rich from this method. However, you can bring in a couple of hundred smackers a week once the book really starts getting spread around.
3.2. Example Business Idea ‘Art Of Money Getting’ Viral Marketing Profits Option 1. - Get the audio version of the book “Art Of Money Getting” and upload the audio to . - Take the “Art Of Money Getting” raw text document and do some basic reformatting so that it presents as a modern looking manual. - On the first page of the manual version have in big letters “To download the audio version of this book click here” and have the link to the itunes store where people can buy the audio download for that book. - Add a footer to each page saying “To download the audio version of this book click here” that links to the itunes store. Also add this link in big letters to the last page of the book. - Convert the manual into PDF format using (make sure all clickable links work properly after converting). 12 - Use to turn your new PDF manual into a viral PDF. - Spread your viral PDF manual to as many people across the world as possible (who will then pass it on to others and so on). Use the techniques covered in the viral marketing section of the Infopreneur Apprentice training included with this course. - You should sell the audio for $9.95-$19.95 from the itunes store. Option 2. - Do exactly the same as above but split the book into chapters (or sections). Upload each audio chapter separately to the itunes store. Charge say $2 for each audio download of each chapter. For example, if there were ten chapters that would be 10 x $2 = $20 for the whole book.
4. Risk Free Trials - $67 A Month
4.1. #1 Now we’re getting into the real big bucks business models. Risk free trials are THE business model of the moment because they can bring in so much cash it’s unreal. You’ll have seen these risk free trials before. The person lands on a web site and just has to pay shipping and handling (S+H) to receive a big package. In this case you could charge $9.97 (S+H) for a set of self help audio CD’s (or videos) of the greatest personal development books ever written. Once people pay $9.97 they then have 21 days to decide if they want to cancel or not. If they don’t cancel they will be sent two new audio CD’s every month and automatically rebilled $67 each month. This works so well because the offer is extremely cheap. Self help buyers buy things religiously and $9.97 is nothing to them. After that, and once they see the quality of the audio CD’s, they can cancel or continue their subscription. The majority won’t cancel which will leave you with a tasty monthly income. This technique can pretty easily get thousands of people paying you $67 a month.
4.2. Example Business Idea Personal Development Seminar Risk Free Trial (RFT) Burn six self help audios to CD. For example: - ‘Character - Building Thought Power’ - ‘How to Live on 24 Hours a Day’ 14 - ‘Master Key System’ - ‘Power Through Repose’ - ‘Practical Mental Influence’ - ‘Self Development’ Charge $9.97 (S+H) for a set of six audio CDs of the greatest personal development books ever written. Automatically rebill those that do not cancel for $67 each month. Burn six two more self help audios to CD each month, for example: Month Two: ‘Success’ and ‘Why Worry’. Month Three: ‘Mastery Of Self’ and ‘Poise’. Send continued subscribers two new audio CD’s every month. And, so on.
5. Digital Vaults - $497 Access
5.1. #1 Digital Vaults are becoming more and more popular as people get more and more used to watching videos online. Why not create a self help video vault? Turn self help audios into videos that can only be viewed online. (see my video creation training for how to do this). Put them all behind a locked member’s area using software like or and sell access to them for $497 or more. As the videos are all accessed online you never need to send anything out. People pay you BIG cash and gain access automatically which means you can be sitting on a beach in Hawaii and money will be flooding into your bank account without you having to lift a finger. Hard life isn’t it!
5.2. Example Business Idea Self Help Video Seminar Vault - Turn all of the self help audios into online videos. - Put them all behind a locked member’s area. - Sell access to the self help video vault for $497.
6. Membership Sites – RRP $47 A Month
6.1. #1 Instead of charging $497 and having tons of video in the membership area you could charge $47 a month and ‘drip feed’ the content into the membership area (again using software like or People pay you $47 a month and each month they get three new online videos in the self help niche. You only need create three videos (using my video creation training) to get this up and running. Then each subsequent month you will have a whole month to create the next three videos ready to add to the membership area. Three videos in one month is plenty of time – it’ll only take you a few hours! By the way a quick tip for you. DON’T call them online videos call them online seminars. That will give them more ‘perceived’ value and the buyer will feel they are getting more for their money.
6.2. Example Business Idea Self Help Membership Site For the first month create videos out of the first three audios, for example: - ‘Character - Building Thought Power’ - ‘How to Live on 24 Hours a Day’ - ‘Master Key System’ Put them in a into a membership area. The second month create the next three videos out of the next three audios, for example: 17 - ‘Power Through Repose’ - ‘Practical Mental Influence’ - ‘Self Development’ And so on. Each month simply create three more videos and add them to the membership area. Charge $47 a month for each and every member.
7. Audio Seminar CD Sets - $397 - $1997
7.1. #1 People in the self help niche LOVE audio CD sets. The company Nightingale Conant make $100 million a year selling audio CD’s and now you can get your own piece of the pie. We’ve done all the hard work for you. Just pick one of the audios, burn it onto a few CD’s and voila, you’re good to go! You can even have a few different audios burnt on to tons of CD’s and sell them as an audio seminar package set.
7.2. Example Business Idea: Wealth Mindset Seminar - ‘Thought Force In Business And Everyday Life’ audio burned on to three CDs. - ‘Success’audio burned on to three CDs. - ‘The Art Of Money Getting’ audio burned on to three CDs. - ‘The Path Of Prosperity’ audio burned on to three CDs. And there you have your wealth mindset seminar set. Have print and ship your package. Sell for $397.
8. Audio Seminar CD Sets And Printed Manuals $397 - $1997+
8.1. #1 As per above but this time don’t just provide people with audio CD sets. Give them the audio CD’s AND printed manuals of the audio. A cool tip here is to not call them the book version of the audio, which is essentially what they are. Call them “transcripts”. It translates much more value to the customer.
8.2. Example Business Idea Wealth Creation Seminar Package - ‘The Science Of Getting Rich’ audio burned on to three CDs. Manual printed up. - ‘Think And Grow Rich’ audio burned on to three CDs. Manual printed up. - ‘The Art Of Money Getting’ audio burned on to three CDs. Manual printed up. - ‘The Path Of Prosperity’ audio burned onto three CDs. Manual printed up. Have print and ship your package. Sell for $697.
9. DVD, Audio CD’s & Manuals $997 - $2997+
9.1. #1 As per above except this time you provide them with the audio CD’s, transcripts AND video DVD’s of the audio. Remember it’s easy to create video out of audios, hardly anyone else is doing this and I show you step by step in the video creation manual included in this package. You may think to yourself, ‘why the hell would people pay that much money for the same thing in different formats?’ It’s because people like to learn in different ways. Some like to read, some like to watch and some like to listen. You also may be thinking, ‘I could never sell something for $3000!’ You can. You Will. And people WILL buy! You need to release yourself from the old mindset that making money is hard. It isn’t, when you know how. And not only do you now know how but you have all the tools and resources to do it!
9.2. Example Business Idea Wealth Creation And Mindset Video Seminar Package - ‘The Science Of Getting Rich’ created out of the audio. Audio and video burned on to ten CDs. Manual printed up. - ‘Think And Grow Rich’ created out of the audio. Audio and video burned on to ten CDs. Manual printed up. - ‘The Art Of Money Getting’ created out of the audio. Audio and video burned on to ten CDs. Manual printed up. - ‘The Path Of Prosperity’ created out of the audio. Audio and video burned on to ten CDs. Manual printed up. - ‘Thought Force In Business And Everyday Life’ created out of the audio. Audio and video burned on to ten CDs. Manual printed up. 21 - ‘Success’ created out of the audio. Audio and video burned on to ten CDs. Manual printed up. Have print and ship your package. Sell this mammoth package for $1997.
10. The Million Dollar Business Model
10.1. #1 Any of the above business models and ideas can make you six figures a year online. All of them. The real power though is when you start combining them. So, for example, you could have a membership site for $47 a month, a digital vault accessed for $497, a RFT offer for $67 a month, and, high end back end products selling for anything from $397 to $2997. This way you have all types of different income coming in all the time resulting in HUGE amounts of cash every single month.
10.2. Example Business Idea ‘Money Making Genius’ Freebie List Builder ‘Self Help Genius’ One Time Offer $47 ‘Art Of Money Getting’ Viral Marketing Profits $19.95 per download Personal Development Seminar Risk Free Trial $67 per month Self Help Video Seminar Vault $497 Self Help Membership Site $47 per month Wealth Mindset Seminar selling for $397 Wealth Creation Seminar Package $697 Wealth Creation And Mindset Video Seminar Package $1997 Etc… Have print and ship any packages as necessary