Instructional Time

Outflows of instructional time, based on events that occur both in class and outside of it.

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Instructional Time by Mind Map: Instructional Time

1. 143 Hours

1.1. 172 Student Days

1.2. 50-Minute Classes

2. Class Activities

2.1. Reviewing / Testing

2.1.1. 35 Hours

2.2. Goal Setting / Reflections

2.2.1. 5 Hours

2.3. Labs

2.3.1. 20 Hours

2.4. Projects

2.4.1. 15 Hours

2.5. Group Work / Practice

2.5.1. 20 Hours

2.6. Homework Help

2.6.1. 10 Hours

2.7. Lectures

2.7.1. 20 Hours

2.8. Warm Ups

2.8.1. 5 Hours

3. School / Community Events

3.1. Student Assemblies

3.1.1. 3 Hours

3.2. Standardized Testing

3.2.1. 3 Hours

3.3. Pep Fests

3.3.1. 2 Hours

3.4. Band/Choir/Play Performances

3.4.1. 2 Hours

3.5. Programs / Guest Speakers

3.5.1. 2 Hours

3.6. State Hockey Tournament / Band Trip

3.6.1. 1 Hour