Multiple Intelligences and Memory

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Multiple Intelligences and Memory by Mind Map: Multiple Intelligences and Memory

1. Visual/Spatial

1.1. Thinks in pictures

1.2. Know where things are located in their spaces

1.3. Learn best when graphics are included

2. Verbal/Linguistic

2.1. Word smart

2.2. Communicate through writing

2.3. Love to read

3. Musical/Rhythmic

3.1. Love to sing, hum, whistle

3.2. Understand and respond to music

4. Logical/ Mathematical

4.1. Numbers smart

4.2. Conceptualize and reason well

4.3. Use logic to problem-solve

5. Bodily/ Kinesthetic

5.1. Learn through body sensation

5.2. Hands-on learners

5.3. Need to move around

6. Interpersonal

6.1. Communicate well with others

6.2. Good leadership skills

6.3. Lots of friends

7. Intrapersonal

7.1. Deeply aware of their own feelings

7.2. Study and work best alone

7.3. Introspective and reflective

8. Naturalistic

8.1. Interested in nature and the environment

8.2. Can recognize plants, animals, rocks, cloud formations and other natural things

8.3. Like to be outside

9. 3 types of memory

9.1. Sensory--stores information from 5 senses

9.2. Short-term memory hold information for 5-7 seconds

9.3. Long-term stores information like a hard-drive on a computer

10. Mnemonic Devices

10.1. Jingles and Rhymes

10.2. Sentences

10.3. Words

10.4. Story Lines

10.5. Acronyms

10.6. Pegging