1. Science
1.1. Chemical Sciences
1.1.1. Natural and processed materials have a range of physical properties; These properties can influence their use (ACSSU074)
2. Curriculum Links
2.1. Year Level
2.1.1. Year 4
2.2. Technologies Subject
2.2.1. Design and Technologies Knowledge and Understanding Investigate how forces and the properties of materials affect the behaviour of a product or system (ACTDEK011) Processes and Production Skills Critique needs or opportunities for designing and explore and test a variety of materials, components, tools and equipment and the techniques needed to produce designed solutions (ACTDEP014) Select and use materials, components, tools and equipment using safe work practices to make designed solutions (ACTDEP016)
2.3. General Capabilities
2.3.1. Literacy
2.3.2. Critical and Creative Thinking
2.3.3. Personal and Social Capability
3. Preparation and Resources
3.1. Preparation for this Lesson
3.1.1. Pre-made package
3.1.2. Exploring Materials Worksheet Photocopied for each student
3.2. Resources required for this Lesson
3.2.1. Materials to Investigate Paper Paper Straws Plastic Straws Fabric Plastic Polystyrene Pop Sticks Cardboard
3.2.2. Water
3.2.3. Large Trays
3.2.4. "Exploring Materials" Worksheet
3.2.5. Lead Pencils
3.2.6. Design Brief Written on Whiteboard
4. Assessment
4.1. Observations
4.1.1. I will be observing and listening during class discussions to see how well the students know the properties of different materials
4.1.2. I will also observe the students while they are working to establish their levels of understanding of materials, also how they are going about their experiments and if they are doing so in a safe way
4.2. Anecdotal Notes
4.2.1. While I am walking around the class, I will take a number of anecdotal records about how the students are going
4.2.2. At the conclusion of the lesson I will collect the student's worksheets and make a number of notes on their levels of understanding of the properties of materials and the science process we went through
4.3. Collection of Work
4.3.1. I will collect the student's work to see how well they worked during the lesson and to what extent they completed it
5. Student Prior Knowledge and Future Action
5.1. What do the students already know?
5.1.1. What the design brief for their package is
5.1.2. What materials they might be able to use to create package
5.1.3. How to conduct science experiments
5.2. What will the students learn in this lesson?
5.2.1. The properties of a variety of materials
5.2.2. What materials will suit the design brief for their packages best
5.2.3. How to safely use materials when conducting experiments
5.3. Future Action after this lesson
5.3.1. Find out what shapes would be best to make the packages out of
5.3.2. Begin planning packages Materials to be used What the package will look like Why those materials and shapes?
5.3.3. Begin constructing the packages
5.3.4. Complete investigation of what packages keep the fragile item safe
6. Learning Activities
6.1. Introduction
6.1.1. Revise last weeks lesson
6.1.2. Revise the list of materials we established we could use for our packages
6.1.3. Revise the design brief for our packages
6.2. Body
6.2.1. Class Discussion on the importance of the materials used to make packages and an explanation about todays lesson
6.2.2. Go over the materials we are going to be working with today
6.2.3. Hand out "Exploring Materials" worksheet to each student and tell them that they will be working with the person they are sitting next to
6.2.4. Ask the students to have a think-pair-share predicting which material would be the best to make out package out of
6.2.5. Hand out materials to each pair, making sure all materials are given out.
6.2.6. Explain the experiment to the students and that they need to write and draw their findings for each test
6.2.7. Ask the students to begin working on their experiments
6.2.8. Give out trays of water when required
6.3. Conclusion
6.3.1. Clean up all trays of water and materials
6.3.2. Ask all students to sit at their desks and have a class discussion about what each group found about their material and how useful it would be for our packages
6.3.3. Have a class discussion about which materials would be best suited for our packages and our design brief
6.3.4. Ask the students to think about whether their results matched their prediction from the beginning of the lesson
6.3.5. Collect the worksheets from the students for me (the teacher) to look at
7. Catering for Diversity
7.1. Problems that may arise
7.1.1. If students do not know what they are doing, I will explain the experiment further and help them begin working on it
7.1.2. Assist the students who are struggling with the writing aspect of the experiment, by encouraging them to have a go, helping them write parts of it and making sure they complete the diagrams of the materials
7.2. Collaboration
7.2.1. The students will be required to work with the person they are sitting next to, so they should be somewhat used to working with each other. If students are not working well, I will remind them about the importance of teamwork and collaboration
7.2.2. If students continue to not work together, I will separate them and make them work with another partner or do it on their own
7.3. Extension
7.3.1. If students finish early, I will get them to double check that they have drawn clear diagrams with a small description of what happened
7.3.2. If students finish that and others are still working, I will get them to look at another material and note their findings on the back of the worksheet.
8. Focus Questions
8.1. Introduction
8.1.1. What is our focus for technology/science for the next few weeks?
8.1.2. What is our design brief?
8.2. Body
8.2.1. Does anyone remember the materials we listed that we could use for our packages?
8.2.2. Does anyone know how to conduct an experiment?
8.2.3. What do you think will happen to the material you are working with when the following is done?
8.2.4. Does everyone understand what they are required to do?
8.3. Conclusion
8.3.1. What did you find out about your material?
8.3.2. Which materials would be best for our package?
8.3.3. Did your prediction match your findings?