Office Brands Technology Department 2010 - 2011

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Office Brands Technology Department 2010 - 2011 por Mind Map: Office Brands Technology Department 2010 - 2011

1. Websphere Commercial Partnerships

1.1. OPD NZ

1.1.1. Commercial Aggrement

1.2. ON South Africa

1.3. BPGI

2. Dealer Empowerment

2.1. Websphere

2.1.1. Webinar

2.1.2. Easier Help Guide

2.1.3. Video

2.2. My Portal

2.2.1. Webinar

2.2.2. Easier Help Guide

2.3. Code Change

2.3.1. Webinar

2.3.2. Dealer Visit

2.4. Webshere Help Console

2.4.1. Upgrade to HC 2010

2.4.2. Update Dealer Guide

2.4.3. New Customer Guide

3. Group ERP Stategy

3.1. Equity/Reseller with Readysell

3.1.1. Commercial Model

4. Websphere Enhancement

4.1. Clustering

4.2. DB2 9.5 Uprade

4.3. Websphere v7 Upgrade

4.3.1. New UI

4.4. SEO

4.5. Mobile Commerce

4.6. B2C Store Launch

4.7. SVN

4.8. Websphere OB Administration

5. Code Change Project

5.1. 1X

5.2. Portal

5.3. Websphere

5.4. Clear ERP

5.5. Readsell ERP

5.6. Other ERP Partners

5.7. Catalogs and Flyers

5.8. Iphone App EzCode

5.9. Supplier Data Standards

6. Technology Team Development

6.1. Dean

6.1.1. Visual Studio 2010

6.1.2. WCS Development

6.1.3. WCS Admin Exam

6.2. Chaitain

6.2.1. PMI

6.2.2. WCS Admin Exam

6.2.3. WCS Development

7. Head Office ERP Upgrade

7.1. Readysell V8 Implementation

8. Business Intelligence

8.1. RPM Commercial Aggrement

8.2. Test Stores

8.3. Merchandise to Negotiate with Suppliers for Cost

8.4. ERP Intergration

9. 1X

9.1. Integrartion

9.1.1. Websphere Interface

9.1.2. RPM Integration

9.1.3. Head Office ERP Update

9.2. Roadmap

9.2.1. Move to SQL Server

9.2.2. Web Based ASP 4.0

10. My Portal

10.1. Roadmap

10.1.1. Ez Code Tools

10.1.2. Consumable Quick Find

10.2. Enhancements

10.2.1. Dealer Log In

10.2.2. Video

11. Disaster Recovery

11.1. Move WCS to Data Center

11.2. Snap Mirror to Castel Hill

12. National Accounts

12.1. ERP and National Site Interface

12.2. Excel Upload Function

13. Qantas Flyer Site

13.1. New UI

13.2. Data Import

14. Intranet

14.1. Upgrade to v3

14.2. Extranet for Suppliers

15. EDI

15.1. Suppliers

16. Cloud Computing

16.1. Reduce Dealer Infrastructure Cost

16.1.1. E Mail Hosting

16.1.2. Disaster Recovery

17. OB Net

17.1. Head Office PABX

17.2. Dealer VOIP Commercial Model

18. Security

18.1. Penetration Audit

18.2. VPN/Firewall

19. Pagination

19.1. Jodi Project Plan