1. English Language Development
1.1. ELD in General....
1.1.1. Primary Goal: English Fluency
1.1.2. Focuses on acquisition of the English Language (vocabulary, grammar, communication skills) rather than academic content
1.1.3. Serves as a foundation for students to then continue on in taking academic courses in English
1.1.4. Use of visual aides graphic organizers, cooperative learning, games
1.2. California State Standards (California State Board of Education, 2002)
1.2.1. Listening and Speaking Beginner level students should be able to answer simple yes or no questions, correctly use common social greetings, and orally communicate needs. Intermediate level students should be able to identify important information in stories, participate in conversations with classmate, and use consistent English grammar forms when speaking. Advanced level students should be able to comprehend idiomatic expressions, initiate social conversations, and paraphrase.
1.2.2. Reading Beginner level students should be able to give one or two word responses to reading comprehension questions, correctly follow directions for activities done in the classroom, and identify sequence of events in stories. Intermediate level students should be able to identify main ideas of stories and make inferences, use detailed and complete sentences to answer reading comprehension questions, and understand sequence of events. Advanced level students should be able to understand cause and effect relationships, restate facts and ideas, understand how texts are organized with regards to syntax and word choice, and provide a 2-3 paragraph summary of stories.
1.2.3. Writing Beginner level students should be able to copy the alphabet legibly and copy short words like days of the week Intermediate level students should be able to write short paragraphs, write sentences that respond to topics in language arts, create paragraphs that develop a main idea, and create independent writing that can be understood except for some inconsistencies in grammar use. Advanced level students should be able to develop a clear thesis and support it by using information from the reading, analogies, and facts. They should be able to write an essay with multiple paragraphs using correct grammatical forms.
1.3. Teaching Strategies
1.3.1. Listening and Speaking Beginner Level: Students can be placed in pairs and given a basic conversation prompt. They can take turns asking each other simple questions such as "What is your name?" "Where are you from?" These are common and practical questions that are relevant in social situations. Intermediate Level: Students can each prepare the directions or instructions to complete a specific task. The students can then draw a picture of the completed task (ex: how to make a sandwhich). Have students present and explain their picture and state the simple steps. Encourage the use of complete English sentences when communicating student needs, such as "Can I go to the bathroom?" Have students listen to a radio broadcast and then identify the main idea and some supporting details Advanced Level: Assign a movie for students to watch in English. Then have students prepare a speech about the movie that analyzies the plot and includes personal reflection (all done orally). Arrange desks in a circle and have an in-class debate on a controversial and relevant topic in the United States.
1.3.2. Reading Beginner Level: Arrange desks in a circle and read short and simple stories aloud, with each student reading one sentence. Have students role-play characters from a story the class has read Students can create a timeline of the story by drawing pictures in chronological order. This can help them understand sequences of events. Guided Reading Intermediate Level: Students reading at the intermediate/early advanced level should understand idioms, analogies, and metaphors. An activity that could help students become familiar with English idioms is to have each student pick an idiom out of a hat, and draw a picture of the literal translation. Then the students can try to figure out which idiom it is, and talk about the meaning of that idiom. Have students read their own work aloud. This way, they will have practiced both their writing skills and speaking skills. Advanced Level Students can analyze work by famous poets to help them understand figurative language and literary devices. They should identify the type of literary device and explain why the poet chose it.
1.3.3. Writing Beginner Level: Students can create pictures, charts, or tables to display information from class content Students can write simple descriptions about topics that are familiar to them, such as their family or friends Students can be given a sample job application form and learn how to fill it out correctly. Students can make pros and cons lists about specific topics Intermediate Level: Write a short and simple essay on a past experience, such as a family trip or memorable event. Students can create an outline first to organize their thoughts, then work on creating a short essay Students can compare and contrast things that are relevant to them, for example: their native culture and the culture of the country they currently live in Advanced Level: Students can prepare resumes Students can write reflective essays on a movie seen in class or a book read in class
2. Structured English Immersion
2.1. SEI In General....
2.1.1. Primary Goal: English Fluency
2.1.2. Focuses on academic success
2.1.3. Use of sheltered instruction
2.1.4. Teachers have receptive skills in students' native language
2.2. Arizona State Standards (Arizona Department of Education, 2014)
2.2.1. The main goal of SEI programs in the state of Arizona is for ELL students to become fluent in English in one year.
2.2.2. For the first year that a student is considered to be ELL, he or she is required to spend a minimum of four hours per day in an ELD classroom. This is divided up into two blocks, each block being about 120 minutes. Block 1 consists of reading, oral English conversation, and vocabulary. Block 2 consists of writing and grammar. Based on the student's specific needs, he or she can choose to spend 30 minutes in a literary intervention class with non-ELL students as part of the required 4 hours. These time blocks are proportionately minimized to accomodate kindergarten students who are only in school for half-days. These ELD classes focus on phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicon, and semantics.
2.2.3. SEI Structure: There are many factors that go into the structure of Arizona's SEI model. The elements are: classroom content, SEI program exit and entry, student grouping for SEI classrooms of different levels (including standards for classroom size), scheduling, and SEI/ELD teacher qualifications.
2.2.4. Entry and Exit of a SEI classroom is dependent upon a student's scores on the Arizona English Learner Assessment (AZELLA). Students will be grouped in SEI classrooms based on their proficiency level. The student's who enter SEI classrooms have the following English proficiency levels: pre-emergent, emergent, basic, or intermediate. More information regarding the AZELLA can be found here: http://www.azed.gov/assessment/azella/
2.2.5. Students that are entering the Arizona school system for the first time must take the AZELLA at least twice during the school year to measure their progress. They must take it in the beginning of the school year and at the end of the school year, although they can choose to take it an additional time in the middle of the year if they choose.
2.2.6. Discrete Skills Inventory: Outlines specific objectives based on the Arizona K-12 English Language Learners Proficiency Standards. These skills vary based on grade, and can be found here: http://www.azed.gov/english-language-learners/files/2013/02/dsialllevels.pdf
2.3. Teaching Strategies
2.3.1. Sheltered Instruction: Because students in SEI classrooms learn academic content in English, it is important for the teacher to adjust his or her methods and delivery so that the ELL students do not fall behind. In sheltered instruction, teachers modify their delivery of a lesson by slowing down speech, using visual aides, or using context clues. The purpose of sheltered instruction is to teach academic content to ELL students without compromising the integrity of the lesson.