Question 2: Fat Tax In 2011, Hungary implemented a law imposing special taxes on foods with high...

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Question 2: Fat Tax In 2011, Hungary implemented a law imposing special taxes on foods with high salt, fat and sugar content in an effort to address their rising obesity rates and related health care costs. Should ‘fat taxes’ be considered in combating Australia’s obesity epidemic? by Mind Map: Question 2: Fat Tax  In 2011, Hungary implemented a law imposing special taxes on foods with high salt, fat and sugar content in an effort to address their rising obesity rates and related health care costs.  Should ‘fat taxes’ be considered in combating Australia’s obesity epidemic?

1. Success Rate of Fat Tax in Hungary

1.1. Has it been successful

1.2. Show any results

2. Talk about other taxes introduced on products to reduce their use and the results of these

2.1. Alcohol

2.2. Ciagrettes

3. Talk about other ways to tackle Australian Obesity

3.1. What are other countries doing?

3.2. Offering better education to schools on nutrition and excerise

3.3. Offering free gym memberships to people diagnosed as obese

3.4. Other?

4. Talk about Australian obesity rate compared to other countries, particularly Hungary

4.1. What are we doing differently

4.2. How do we compare

4.3. Demographic

5. Reasons for obesity

5.1. Genetic

5.2. Lack of exercise

5.3. Eating disorders