My 5 step plan for promoting social inclusion , understanding and mutual respect for Arabic Langu...

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My 5 step plan for promoting social inclusion , understanding and mutual respect for Arabic Language Learners by Mind Map: My 5 step plan for promoting social inclusion , understanding and mutual respect for Arabic Language Learners

1. Step 2/ Create a warm and well decorated classroom

1.1. who: the teacher where:in the classroom when:at the beginning of the school year. why:in order to create a balanced environment inside the classroom. how: the teacher can decorate the classroom with the international flags of the language being teached , and the flags of Arabic language learners . In this case in the classroom there will be the flags of Tunisia, United Kingdom and France. The presence of the three national maps can create more inclusion between the students . The teacher can exploit these maps by asking the kids to show his original city to his peers

2. Step1/ Convening parents and other classroom teachers for a meeting.

2.1. who: Group 1 and 2 parents , regular parents and the other teachers. where:In the school when:at the beginning of the school year. why:The beginning of the school year is a good opportunity for parents to get acquainted with the new teachers. Group 1 and 2 parents moved to Tunisia recently and they need to share their idea and experiences with other parents. how:School teachers and parents will discuss about the current year programm and give some suggestions about it.

3. Step3/Creating cultural bridges:

3.1. Who: the Arabic language learners teachers. Where: in the classroom When: This can be during all the year. Why: to facilitate communication between all the students and integrate them with their peers quickly. How: By creating a calendar in which the teacher will merge the National and Religious holidays of all the students including ALL. This calendar wil be an important component in the classroom because it will be on the wall so that everyone can see it. The students will be totally involved to check when is the next event.

4. Step4/Encourage Choral reading


4.2. Who:The teacher Where: In the classroom When:During reading comprehension lessons Why:To help Arabic Learning Language to have self confidence inside and outside the classroom. This technique will make him like reading because no one is correcting him, but the student is auto correcting himself, so at home he will enjoy simulating this reading exercice . How:The teacher is reading first explicitely, then all the students will join their teacher and read all together

5. Step5/Honor the student's native language

5.1. Who:The teacher Where:In the classroom and at home When:During cultural activities Why:The ALL should be proud of his native language and should know that all the languages are equal and have the same goal of connecting people. How:By encouraging the ALL to read in their native language and showing their proficiency to their peers.