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Minerals by Mind Map: Minerals

1. Minerals are found in rocks

2. Types of Minerals

2.1. Cornudum

2.2. Topaz

2.3. Quartz

2.4. Gypsum

2.5. Calcite

2.6. Talc

2.7. Diamonds

2.7.1. Diamonds Are the hardest Mineral Found On Earth

3. Geologists might study rocks and minerals

4. Rocks

4.1. Examples

4.1.1. Obsidiean Igneous

4.1.2. Limestone Sandstone

4.1.3. Coal Sedimentary

4.1.4. Phylite Metamorphic

4.1.5. Gabbro Igneous

4.1.6. Gnesis Metamorphic

4.1.7. Sandstone Sedimentary

4.1.8. Granite Igneous

5. Types of Rocks

5.1. Igneous

5.1.1. Igneous rocks are formed when lava cools

5.2. Metamorphic

5.2.1. Metamorphic rocks are formed by high heat and pressure deep with in the earth

5.3. Sedimentary

5.3.1. Dead plants and animals being compacted together with layers of sand going over top of them in swamp areas

6. Properties

6.1. Hardness

6.1.1. Compared to copper We tried to scratch copper with the mineral

6.1.2. Compared to glass We tried to scratch glass with the mineral

6.2. Color

6.2.1. Blue

6.2.2. Yellow

6.2.3. White

6.2.4. Red

6.2.5. Purple

6.2.6. Pink

6.3. Size

6.3.1. Small

6.3.2. Huge

6.3.3. Big

6.4. Crystal Shape

6.4.1. Tetrehedren

6.4.2. Octehedren

6.4.3. Cube

6.5. Transperancy

6.5.1. Tansparent Crystal Clear

6.5.2. Translucent Kind of blurry but you can still see through is

6.5.3. Opache You can't see through it at all it's like a wall

6.6. Luster

6.6.1. Brilliant

6.6.2. Glassy

6.6.3. Dull

6.7. Light Refraction

6.7.1. Can you see through it or read a paper through it