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Soil Map by Mind Map: Soil Map

1. is made of

1.1. wearthered Rocks

1.1.1. Sand

1.1.2. Clay

1.1.3. Salt

1.2. Organic Matter

1.2.1. green plants material, animal manure, kitchen scraps, dry plant material, husks, wood, straw

1.2.2. natural

1.2.3. contains nutrients Nitrogen

2. Types

2.1. Forest

2.2. Grassland

2.2.1. Tropical Grassland

2.3. Desert

3. layers

3.1. organic layer

3.2. top soil

3.3. sub soil

3.4. parent material

3.5. Bedrock

4. descriptions

4.1. consistence

4.2. color

4.3. texture

5. Soil Layers

6. Picture of organic Matter