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Soil by Mind Map: Soil

1. Soil is made of Weathered Rocks

1.1. Sand, Clay, Silt,

2. Layers of Soil

2.1. Topsoil-

2.2. Subsoil-

2.3. Parent Material-

2.4. Bedrock-

3. Organic Matter

3.1. Nutrients for the Plants

3.1.1. Nutrients Potasium Phosphorus Nitrogen

3.2. Organic Matter is made up of organic compound. Such as animal waste or a decomposed animal also maybe as a dead plant.

4. How we describe soil Scientifically

4.1. Consistence, Texture, Color

4.1.1. Consistence (Friable-Firm-Loose)

4.1.2. Texture( Gritty-Silky)

4.1.3. Color (brown-light brown-dark brown)

5. Events that have happend

5.1. The Dust Bowl in 1930

5.1.1. Where dust was picked up and it made a huge sandstorm

6. Types:

6.1. What types of soil come from where.

6.2. Desert Soils

6.3. Forest Soils

6.4. Tropical Grassland Soils

7. Soil is made up of minerals (rocks, wood, etc.)