Soil Concept Map

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Soil Concept Map by Mind Map: Soil Concept Map

1. Is made of

1.1. Weathered Rocks:

1.1.1. and Sand silt clay

1.2. Organic Matter

1.2.1. The definition of organic matter is when plants and animals die and their bodies and their waste from when they were living becomes part of the environment.

1.2.2. Breaks down into nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium A fact about Organic Matter, Organic matter is purple.

1.2.3. nutrients: A substance that is very important for growing and for life.

2. Types of soil

2.1. The soils from my map are: desert, forest , grassland, and tropical grassland.

3. Descriptions of soil are:

3.1. It's color, it's colors can be chocolate brown, grayish brown, reddish brown, yellowish brown, etc.

3.2. The texture of soil is: grainy, silky, and sticky.

3.3. The consistence of soil can be sticky, grainy, and firm.

4. The layers in soil are:

4.1. Top soil, subsoil, parent material, and bedrock.