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Compétences by Mind Map: Compétences

1. Greetings and introductions, including asking name and age

2. Common French names

3. Family members, immediate family

4. Physical description and personality characteristics

5. Weather

6. Numbers up to 100

7. Days, months, calendar

8. Expressions of time

9. Expressions de quantity

10. How to tell time

11. Adverbs of time

12. Classroom furniture

13. Common prepositions of location

14. Colors and common clothing

15. Common foods

16. Leisure activities

17. Countries bordering France, adjectives of nationality, languages

18. Question words

19. Class schedule, subjects and school supplies

20. Rooms of the house, basic furniture

21. Basic body parts

22. Cities, places, activities and transportation

23. restaurant menu

24. Prepositions of location

25. Leisure time activities

26. Name of cognate-based professions

27. Expressions of time

28. Expressions with avoir

29. Simple expressions with faire

30. Themes

30.1. Shopping, restaurants and common food, simple