My Foundations of Education

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My Foundations of Education by Mind Map: My Foundations of Education

1. History of U.S. Education- Ch.3

1.1. The Age of Reform: The Rise of the Common School

1.1.1. 1828 President Jackson allowed everyone but slaves and emotionally disturbed people to have the right to vote

1.1.2. Horace Mann led the free public education.He was also the secretary for the first board of education. He was also known for the first "normal school".

1.1.3. Action points sign-off

1.2. Radicals take issue with his arguments

1.2.1. They point their fingers toward the common schools as a pernicious device for teaching skills like hygiene, punctuality, and rudimentary skills.

1.2.2. These skills would create a docile for willing workers.

1.2.3. Mann's belief that schools can change the social order and that education can foster social mobility

2. Politics of Education- Ch.2

2.1. Conservative

2.1.1. -Origins in the 1800's

2.1.2. Based on the ideas from Charles Darwin, know as social Darwinism

2.1.3. Depend on individual initiative and hard work

2.2. Radical

2.3. Liberal

2.3.1. Origins in the 1900's

2.3.2. Based on the work John Dewey and progressivism

2.3.3. concerned with equality and balancing the economic productivity of capitalism

2.4. Neo-liberal

3. Philosophy of education- Ch. 5

3.1. REALISM- essentialism, teacher led classrooms, traditional classrooms. They stay with the basics math, writing, and reading. Direct instructions, orderly classroom environment. Focuses on the "core curriculum."

3.1.1. radical

3.2. IDEALISM- perennialism, teacher led classrooms. traditional classroom. focuses on classic literature and shuns textbooks in the classrooms.

3.2.1. radical

3.3. PRAGMATISM- progressivism, student led classroom. Inquiry method of learning. Group/ collaborative learning (questions). They learn by doing. Project based classrooms.

3.4. NEO_MARXISM- social reconstructionist, student led classroom. Focuses is on bettering society (community.) Flexible, integrated curriculum. Social awareness.

3.5. EXISTENTIALISM- student led classroom. Students run classroom, make their own rules, choose own pace of learning, grade/ evaluate themselves.

3.6. partitioners argue, and students, that although philosophy of education may add another dimension to the way in which they view school. They do not have time to do discipline that will work in schools today.

4. Curriculum and Pedagogy-ch.7

4.1. Humanist curriculum reflects on the idealist philosophy

4.2. traditional liberal art is the cornerstone of an educated citizenry, the purpose of education is to present the best of what has been taught and written

4.3. this curriculum is focused on the western heritage

4.4. the purpose in a functionalist perspective is to transmit a common body of knowledge in order to reproduce a culture heritage.

4.5. the problem with a functionalist mindset is that they assume a common culture.

5. Equality of Opportunity- Ch.8

5.1. Women

5.1.1. Women are often viewed as being better students than men.

5.1.2. Men are more likely to drop out of school than women during sometime of their education. Women are usually better readers than men also.

5.1.3. Men do have an area of where they are usually better than women and that is usually mathematics.

5.1.4. There was more women that go to college and get a degree than men but there are more men that go on in college and get a doctrine degree.

5.2. Coleman's work was often misinterpreted as an argument that schools don't matter, only families matter.

5.3. Coleman's subsequent work was designed to help identify the characteristics of schools which did matter so that the impact of school relative to that of family could be increased.

6. Educational Inequality- Ch.9

6.1. functionalists expect that the schooling process will produce unequal results

6.1.1. Dependencies

6.1.2. Milestones

6.2. the results ought to be based on individual differences between students, not on group differences.

6.2.1. Schedule

6.2.2. Budget

6.3. the school system does not ever fail to provide equality of opportunity for the students

6.3.1. KPI's

6.4. functionalist also believe that unequal educational outcomes are the result of unequal educational opportunities

6.5. teachers should know the sources of education about each student to ensure the elimination of structural barriers to educational success

6.6. we should give all groups a fair chance to compete in the educational marketplace.

7. Educational Reform- Ch.10

8. Sociological Perspectives- Ch. 4

8.1. 3 major theories about the Relationships Between schools and sociology

8.1.1. Functional Theories: Functional sociologists assess the interdependence of the social system; viewing society as a machine where one part works with another to make society work

8.1.2. Interactional Theories: interactional sociologists take a up close view of the interactions between students/ students and teachers/ teachers.

8.1.3. Conflict Theory: Conflict sociologists assert that society is not held together by shared values alone, but on the ability of dominant groups to impose their will on subordinate groups to impose their will on subordinate groups.

9. Schools as Organizations- Ch.6

9.1. organizational characteristics of US elements include: secondary education, school cultures, and the vocation of the teaching.

9.2. the school(s) a child attends shapes his or her perceptions, attitude, and behaviors

9.3. schools do not just do whatever they want to do, they have to enter act with the students, parents and the board.

9.4. Schools affect children's mind everyday because they attend this place for 13 years and are surly with the same bunch of kids for this many years.

9.5. Organizations of US schools are complex in many levels. There are elementary and secondary education levels. Both also can have different school atmosphere such as; private or public schooling.

9.6. In the early 1930s there were 128,00 public schools, this number has dropped tremendously because most of those schools were single teacher schools.