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Netiquette by Mind Map: Netiquette

1. Resources

1.1. Hargrave's Communications Dictionary

1.1.1. Hargrave's Communications Dictionary is a good source because the author has first hand experience with the subjects contained within.

1.2. A Student's Guide to Strengthening an Online Community by Richard E. West

1.2.1. I have chosen this article because it was published in the Academic Journal "TechTrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning

1.3. Netiquette in e-Learning by Anil K Aggarwal

1.3.1. This Article was written for the "Northeast Region Decision Sciences Institute" an Institution that meets each spring to share research papers by Ph. D level members.

1.4. A short take: online teaching by John Zappala

1.4.1. This article is a good source because it was written by an instructor that taught online classes for eight years prior to writing it. Also it was published in the acadmic journal "Community College Enterprise

1.5. Students' Perceptions and Communicative Management of Instructors' Online Self-Disclosure by DiVerniero, Rebecca and Hosek, Angela

1.5.1. This article will be a good source for information about the instructor student relationship and how it differs from the face to face setting as well as why netiquette is so important

2. What is Netiquette?

2.1. As stated in "Hargraves's Communications Dictionary" it is "The manner one should use while conversing on a network

3. What are some basics of Netiquette?

3.1. Never post anything in all caps as this is taken as yelling

4. How do Instructors enforce Netiquette