The Writing Process

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The Writing Process by Mind Map: The Writing Process

1. Why is this Important?

1.1. Future Job

1.1.1. Emails

1.1.2. Proposals

1.1.3. Projects

1.2. School

1.2.1. Major Assignments

1.2.2. Standardized Testing

1.2.3. College Acceptance

2. Publishing

2.1. Title

2.2. Turn In

3. Revising

3.1. Review writing & clarify ideas

3.2. Rework Organization

4. Drafting

4.1. Build & Expound from the Outline

4.2. Think about Word Choice

4.3. Vary Sentence Structure

5. Editing

5.1. Double Check Grammar

5.2. Double Check Spelling

6. Brainstorming

6.1. Identify the Audience

6.2. Think & Discuss Ideas

6.3. Create an Outline with a Clear Purpose