Important For College Students to Have Positive Ethics? Why?

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Important For College Students to Have Positive Ethics? Why? by Mind Map: Important For College Students to Have Positive Ethics? Why?

1. Academic Integrity

1.1. Avoid Plagiarism, Even if it's accidentally done

1.2. Do not Cheat on test. Show a lack of honesty in your character

2. Positive Relationships with other students

2.1. Important for students to respect other Students regardless of different backgrounds and view points

2.2. This keeps a friendly environment helping students to focus more on the course work rather than the uncomfortable feeling in class

3. Professional and Positive Relationship with Professors

3.1. Do not Fraternize with Professors or try to Brib Professors for Good Grades

4. Resources

4.1. "Encouraging students’ ethical behavior" , Prohaska, Vincent PhD (May 2013)

4.2. "College students' perceptions of ethics", Lau, Linda K; Caracciolo, Brandon; Roddenberry, Stephanie; Scroggins, Abbie. Journal of Academic and Business Ethics5 (Mar 2012): 1-13.

4.3. "Journal of College and Character" , Dalton, Jon C; Ethics and College Student Life: A Case Study Approach; Volume 3, Issue 6; 2002

5. Good Ethics will lead to Degrees and possibly a Great job.

5.1. Professors could be used as Job references

5.2. Making Good grades through honesty leads to degrees. If found of academic dishonesty Academic Career could be over.