Online Learning Vs. Traditional Learning: Development and Success of a Student

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Online Learning Vs. Traditional Learning: Development and Success of a Student by Mind Map: Online Learning Vs. Traditional Learning: Development and Success of a Student

1. Learning Styles

1.1. How Online Learning supports / accommodates for different learning styles

1.2. How Traditional Learning supports / accommodates for different learning styles

1.3. Compare and Evaluate

2. Time Management and Flexability

2.1. How Online Learning supports, effects, and accommodates for time management and flexability

2.2. How Traditional Learning supports, effects, and accommodates for time management and flexability

2.3. Compare and Evaluate

3. Retention

3.1. How Online Learning supports, effects, and accommodates retention rates: why do students stick with or drop out.

3.2. How Traditional Learning supports, effects, and accommodates retention rates: why do students stick with or drop out.

3.3. Compare and Evaluate

4. Emerson, L., & MacKay, B. (2011). A comparison between paper-based and online learning in higher education. British Journal Of Educational Technology, 42(5), 727-735. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2010.01081.x

5. Perez-Prad, A., & Thirunarayanan, M. (2002). A Qualitiative Comparison of Online and Classroom-Based Sections of a Course: Exploring Student Perspectives. Educational Media International, 39(2), 195.

6. Pai, K. (2013). ASSESSING ONLINE VS FACE TO FACE LEARNING. Paper presented at the , 8(2) 350. Retrieved from

7. Angiello, R. (2010). Study Looks at Online Learning vs. Traditional Instruction. Education Digest, 76(2), 56-59.