Big Ideas and Core Tasks Newtons Three Laws of Motion

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Big Ideas and Core Tasks Newtons Three Laws of Motion da Mind Map: Big Ideas and Core Tasks Newtons Three Laws of Motion

1. Worth Being Familiar With:

1.1. By Reading/Understanding:

1.1.1. The history of Sir Isaac Newton and the time period in which he lived.

1.1.2. Scientific Vocabulary and basics in conceptual science knowledge

1.1.3. Physics concepts

2. Assessed by:

2.1. Creation of Video and presentation to class

2.2. Pop Quizzes

2.3. Vocabulary Activity

2.4. Artistically demonstrating 3 Laws

2.5. Science Experiments

2.6. Discussions

2.7. Different Perspective Letter

3. Important to Know and Do:

3.1. Evidenced by:

3.1.1. Presentation to class (Are students able to teach and answer questions about what they have created/why/3 Laws?)

3.1.2. Letter to Newton (Did students thoughtfully consider/analyze his theories, ask meaningful questions?)

3.1.3. Vocabulary Understanding (Do students show a complete understanding of physics vocabulary?)

3.1.4. Creativity/Artistic Abilities in demonstrating the laws

3.1.5. Science Experiments ( Are students able to explain/write the reasoning behind our mathematical and scientific experiements in relation to the 3 laws?)