Goal Setting by Andrew Bourke

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Goal Setting by Andrew Bourke by Mind Map: Goal Setting by Andrew Bourke

1. Personal

1.1. go to junior championships next year

1.1.1. Improve form

1.1.2. do well in comps

1.1.3. go to dry land training

1.2. build a bike trail in Alpine by Junior year

1.2.1. build it with Nathan and friends

1.2.2. twice or more a week work on it

1.3. Win the Tahoe Yacht club laser b fleet by senior year

1.3.1. go to race clinics

1.3.2. go sailing more

2. Financial

2.1. buy a pair of skis at the Sports Hub by junior year

2.1.1. save up money save 50 dollars a month

2.2. buy a car before college

2.2.1. save $200 a month get a job

2.3. become a lifeguard at tahoe tavern next summer

2.3.1. apply for a job with hansen maintenance

2.3.2. take lifeguard course

3. Professional

3.1. get A's in all of my classes this year

3.1.1. study for tests

3.1.2. do homework every day

3.2. graduate high school with an 4.0 or higher

3.2.1. get an A's in all classes

3.2.2. Take AP classes

3.3. get a scholarship for ski team this year

3.3.1. apply each year

3.3.2. improve application each year

4. Other

4.1. ski mount shasta by senior year

4.1.1. go to mount shasta

4.1.2. plan a trip with my dad and brother

4.2. do the hundred mile sierra century next year

4.2.1. bike a lot

4.2.2. train for it by biking almost every day

4.3. hike the tahoe rim trail by end of senior year

4.3.1. hike a quarter each year

4.4. Ski mount tallac by senior year

4.4.1. do it with my friend and brother