And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil

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And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil by Mind Map: And lead us not into temptation,     but deliver us from evil

1. This is made in a parallelism thaat is

1.1. Lead us not into temptation

1.2. Deliver us from evil

1.3. litotes (affrims same truth, but one from negative and one from positive)

2. Intro

2.1. The sixth petition of the Lord's Prayer is a frank admission: I am a sinner with the propensity to continue in sin; without God's gracious intervention I will fall headlong into sin. This may seem to be a harsh, even negative statement. To admit that we are sinners before coming to Christ is one thing; but to admit that even when we are called saints as Christians that we are still sinners, is yet another. Such admission owns up to the reality that we must live daily by the constant supply of God's grace. Do you understand your own weakness and propensity for sin? I know that we are supposed to avoid such comments in our day for fear of damaging someone's psyche or hurting his self-esteem. But the reality is that we are sinners - and weak sinners at that - given to sin. I do not have to look outside of my own life to be reminded of this - nor do you. When we hold our lives up to the plumb-line of God's revelation we realize that we are sinners that fall short of God's glory (Rom 3:23). When we think of the many times that we have stared temptation in the face only to give in to its lure, we realize how very weak we are. Such reminders for us as we consider this text are not offered to plunge us into the pit of despair but to help us see the constant abundance of God's grace that is given to us. Indeed, the Lord sustains us and preserves us for himself. He continues the good work in us that he began before we even realized it until that day that we stand complete before him (Phil 1:6). Meanwhile we are faced with reminders of our weaknesses. I think back to my friends in the ministry from seminary days, and am reminded of the fact that our only hope from falling prey to evil is the grace of God. One of my favorite classes in seminary was Preaching 501. We had a lively class, led by an excellent professor. I cannot remember all the guys in that class but I do remember several of them. One that had the reputation of being the best preacher among the students fell prey to immorality several years ago. His best friend, a very articulate and bright fellow, did the same before him. Another fellow from my home state, and a delightful guy, married a young lady that was in seminary; but a few years ago he fell into an immoral relationship. Another guy that became one of my closest friends, and my study-buddy for Old Testament gave way to immorality. Those are the ones that I can remember. There may be more. All of them serve to remind me of the weakness of our flesh, and the propensity for sin that we all bear. And I do not just mean sin of that nature, but sins of every stripe and hue. We are capable as sinners of committing any sin known to man.

2.2. Connection

2.2.1. When we pray then, there is this real awareness of what we my be and how prayer for it

2.2.2. Edmund Burke said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” True? Is that all? The implication is what? That when good men rise to the top then the triumph of evil will hapen. But here we see that what is needed is not good men but a great God, a caring Father, a soverieng ruler.

2.2.3. THe 4th petition was to forgive our sins, here now is the petition to keep us from future sins. Both are important.

2.2.4. why? holy horror at teh every thought of falling into sin again

2.3. Thoughts

2.3.1. This praye ris so different, so different than teh publican's prayer. it is searching, probing, takes time to contemplate and look beyond the usual of give me this and give me that. John Stott says, in summing up the thoughts I’ve just given you, “When we come to God in a prayer we do not come hypocritically like play actors seeking the applause of men, nor do we come mechanically like pagan babblers whose mind is not in their mutterings. But thoughtfully, humbly and trustfully like little children we come to our Father and that is the essence of the prayer.”

2.3.2. So the prayer is so much more than getting stuff, changing situations. Thsi is about God. This is about us. Thsi is about our pressing into God's plan for himself and for us. It's probing. Searching. HOpe you feel that. Hope that has shifted for you. "Nearly all the wisdom we possess, that is to say, true and sound wisdom, consists of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves." - Calvin in institutes

2.3.3. know about our sevlse We need provision - bread we need pardon - bread we need protection

3. Exegete

3.1. evil

3.1.1. Ways to respond to evil Pretend it doesn't exist See it in everything Self-rightous - i thank you that I am not as other people

3.2. lead us not

3.2.1. Does not mean God tempts people James 1:13 James tells us enticemenet and temptation to sin arise within us - our own evil inclinations and desires.

3.2.2. This is a prayer to avoid being snared by the net of temptation. God's children are in the world but not part of it - in the world but not under the power and sway of the evil one. And so our prayer is a plea that the Lord will not allow you to fall into such temptation that you cannot resist it, and thus find your fellowship with him broken.

3.2.3. [He who is not tempted is not tested]. Augustine. Watson, Thomas (2011-11-10). The Lord's Prayer (With Active Table of Contents) (Kindle Location 6356). . Kindle Edition.

3.2.4. An OT parallel is found in Psalm 141:4 - Do not incline my heart to any evil thing,

3.2.5. spurgeon- He who holds the heart is lord of the man; but if the tongue and the heart are under God’s care all is safe. Let us pray that he may never leave us to our own inclinings, or we shall soon decline from the right.

3.2.6. Flows from teh understanding and contemplation of the 5th petition Thus when we understand sin, our sin, and others against us, we never want to sin again "Lord, lead me not into temptation. If such is sin; if such the sore penitence to which its commission leads, and such the humiliating acknowledgment in which it results, and such the costly pardon--the price of blood--which its guilt demands, Lord, keep me, fence me, surround me; that, having been washed every whit clean, I may tread no path, be placed in no position whereby I may be exposed to the power of temptations which I cannot evade, whose strength I cannot resist, and thus relapse from my high and holy walk with You. You have given me absolution from sin, but no indulgence to sin. I would be as free from the tyranny as from the condemnation of sin, and would find my most precious, powerful, and persuasive motive to seek after the attainment of holiness in Your full, and free, and most loving forgiveness. Having washed my feet, how shall I defile them!" - Octavious Winslow

3.2.7. Problem If means temptation we know James - God does not tempt If trials, then we know James - good for us

3.2.8. Why pray this then? I affirm with Chrysostom, the early church Father, that the solution to this issue is that Jesus is here not speaking of logic or theology but of a heart desire and inclination that cause a believer to want to avoid the danger and trouble sin creates. It is the expression of the redeemed soul that so despises and fears sin that it wants to escape all prospects of falling into it, choosing to avoid rather than having to defeat temptation. Here is another paradox of Scripture. We know that trials are a means for our growing spiritually, morally, and emotionally. Yet we have no desire to be in a place where even the possibility of sin is increased. Even Jesus, when He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, first asked, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me,” before He said, “yet not as I will, but as Thou wilt” (Matt. 26:39). He was horrified at the prospect of taking sin upon Himself, yet He was willing to endure it in order to fulfill the will of His Father to make possible the redemption of man. Our proper reaction to times of temptation is similar to Christ’s, but for us it is primarily a matter of self-distrust. When we honestly look at the power of sin and at our own weakness and sinful propensities, we shudder at the danger of temptation or even trial. This petition is another plea for God to provide what we in ourselves do not have. It is an appeal to God to place a watch over our eyes, our ears, our mouth, our feet, and our hands-that in whatever we see, hear, or say, and in any place we go and in anything we do, He will protect us from sin... This petition is a safeguard against presumption and a false sense of security and self-sufficiency. We know that we will never have arrived spiritually, and that we will never be free of the danger of sin, until we are with the Lord. With Martin Luther we say, “We cannot help being exposed to the assaults, but we pray that we may not fall and perish under them.” As our dear Lord prayed for us in His great intercessory prayer, we want, at all costs, to be kept from the evil one (John 17:15).(MacArthur, J: Matthew 1-7 Macarthur New Testament Commentary Chicago: Moody Press) Ok to ask fro a trial to pass? - Jesus I don’t trust myself. I don’t know about you. I have to set a watchman over my eyes. I have to set a watchman over my ears. I have to set a watchman over my tongue. I have to be careful where I go and what I see and who I talk to about what. Because I don’t trust myself, and when I get into a trying situation, it’s at that point that I rush into the presence of God like the sentry on duty who doesn’t fight the enemy himself, but runs to tell the commander. I retreat to the presence of God and I say, “God, I will be overwhelmed in this thing unless You come to my aid.” Peter was told, "Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail" (Luke 22:31-32). These words are meant to be of encouragement and warning to us, too. Every Christian who is determined to live out-and-out for God can expect to meet the personal opposition of Satan.

3.2.9. lead me in a path that temptation will not get the best of me or don't lead me to a place where temptatio nwill oerwhelm me but we have the promise not more than we can handle - yes, but we like other requests we pray for what is already will be

3.3. us

3.3.1. We have a responsibility to have a grandeur view of the world and it's horror It is our responsibility, as we pray this prayer, to hold God's precious and precarious world before our gaze, to sum up its often inarticulate cries for help, for rescue, for deliverance. Deliver us from the horror of war! Deliver us from human folly and the appalling accidents it can produce! Let us not become a society of rich fortresses and cardboard cities! Let us not be engulfed by social violence, or by self-righteous reaction! Save us from arrogance and pride and the awful things they make people do! Save us - from ourselves... and Deliver us from the Evil One. N. T. Wright. The Lord and His Prayer (Kindle Locations 567-571). Kindle Edition. in one of his greatest pieces of writing and of theology (Romans 8.18-27), he explains prayer in terms of the Spirit groaning within the Church as the Church groans within the World. N. T. Wright. The Lord and His Prayer (Kindle Locations 575-576). Kindle Edition.

3.4. Into temptation

3.4.1. Means Wright Let us escape the great tribultiaotn, the great testing, that is coming on all the world Do not let us be led into temptation that we will be unable to bear Enable us to pass safely through teh testing of our faith Sproul "Do not lead us into the place of testing." Jesus is saying that we should pray that the Father will never cause us to undergo a severe test of our faith or of our obedience. R.C. Sproul. The Prayer of the Lord (Kindle Locations 787-788). Kindle Edition. Watson The meaning is, that God would not suffer us to be overcome by temptation; that we may not be given up to the power of temptation, and be drawn into sin. Watson, Thomas (2011-11-10). The Lord's Prayer (With Active Table of Contents) (Kindle Locations 5814-5815). . Kindle Edition. JETS 17, JV Dahms "Lead us not into Temptation" => "Let us not be brought into temptation [i.e. by the devil]

3.4.2. trial - great tribulation ---- but makes no sense in light of asking for forigivness and the delivery from the evil one - this is clearly ot a tribulation of God, but of the evil one


3.4.4. Can mean tempt or test tempt - to invoke evil, to entice to evil Tempt God NAS = temptation(12), testing(2), trial(3), trials(4). test - to prove non-evil, to try the strength of Examples of extreme testing that God leads God did tempt Abraham (Gen 22;1) However in the Greek, peirasmos is a morally neutral word which simply describes putting one to the test and then refers to the actual tests. come in order to discover a person’s nature or the quality of some thing. Sometimes both are happening JOB Good analysis in james Peirasmos thus can be translated as tests, trials or temptations, the context determining whether the intended purpose is for good (tests, trials) or evil (temptations). As discussed below in James 1, God will send "trials" but they are never intended to lead us into evil. God however will allow Satan to send "temptations" and his are always intended to lead us into evil. In his first chapter, James uses peirasmos or the verb peirazo (the root word from which peirasmos is derived) four times illustrating the importance of context in accurate interpretation. Illustration #1: Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials (peirasmos), knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance." (James 1:2-3) Illustration #2: Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial (peirasmos); for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. (James 1:12) Illustration #3: Let no one say when he is tempted (peirazo), "I am being tempted (peirazo) by God"; for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt (peirazo) anyone. But each one is tempted (peirazo) when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. (James 1:13-14) To summarize James 1:2,12 - context indicates trials that are to bring out the best in us James 1:13-14 - context refers to trials meant to tempt us and bring out the worst in us J. I Packer puts it, …temptations are Satan’s work; but Satan is God’s tool as well as his foe (cf. Job 1:11f.; 2:5f.), and it is ultimately God himself who leads his servants into temptation (Matt 4:1; 6:13), permitting Satan to try to seduce them for beneficent purposes of his own. However, though temptations do not overtake men apart from God’s will, the actual prompting to do wrong is not of God, nor does it express his command (Jam 1:12f). The desire which impels to sin is not God’s but one’s own, and it is fatal to yield to it (Jam 1:14f). (2)

3.4.5. Somteimes both So when God brings a trial – now mark this – there is always the possibility that that trial can be turned into a temptation. Joseph said in Genesis chapter 50 verse 20, regarding his brothers selling him into Egypt, “You meant it for evil, but God meant it for” – What? – for “good.” David numbering people Or I was thinking this morning about 2 Samuel 21. And you remember that story? We’re told that God's anger burned against Israel and so He incited David to take a census. Now God had commanded through Moses in the Torah that the king was not to take a census. The point being, the king of Israel was to trust in God, not in his military might, not in how many fighting men he had. But the passage says that God incited David to number His people. Well guess what? The parallel passage in 1 Chronicles says that Satan tempted David to do this. Now which was true? Both. Satan's temptation was meant for David and Israel's destruction. God's testing was meant for David and Israel's everlasting well-being and for His own glory. Job Jesus out to the desert

3.4.6. God does not tempt, but we are to rejoice in trials James 1:2–3 (ESV) — 2 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, 3 for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. James 1:13 (ESV) — 13 Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. Same root word 1 cor 10:13

3.4.7. ILL/ Quotes A saint's whole life, says Augustine, is temptation. Watson, Thomas (2011-11-10). The Lord's Prayer (With Active Table of Contents) (Kindle Location 5824). . Kindle Edition.

3.4.8. Where does temptaton come from? James 1:14 - Us Satan - matt:3 - the "temptor"

3.4.9. Pray for things that we are to rejoice in Persecution - 5:10-12 / 10:23 Matt 24:6 - wars and rumors of war and yet pray for peace (1 Tim 2:2)

3.5. General meaning

3.5.1. J C Ryle explains that this sentence... teaches us that we are liable at all times to be led astray and to fall. It instructs us to confess our infirmity and beseech God to hold us up, and not allow us to run into sin. We ask Him, Who orders all things in heaven and earth, to restrain us from going into that which would injure our souls, and never to let us be tempted beyond what we can bear ("No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, that you may be able to endure it." 1 Corinthians 10:13)

3.5.2. Believer's Study Bible explains that ... This is a request for the intervention of God in life's moments of trial and temptation in such a manner that the "way of escape" is made clear (cf. 1 Cor. 10:13). The petition gives full recognition to the incredible deception and power of temptation and affirms that deliverance from the grasp of evil can come only from the Lord. (Criswell, W A. Believer's Study Bible: New King James Version. 1991. Thomas Nelson)

3.6. deliver us

3.6.1. So we have seen a plea for providing grace "give us" Pardoning grace "forigve us" "preventing grace - "lead us not" preserving grace "deliver us"

3.6.2. Deliver us means spare us from preserve us against deliver us out of save us from

3.6.3. Watson - There is more in this petition than is expressed. The thing expressed is—that we may be kept from evil. The thing further intended is—that we may make progress in piety.

3.7. From evil

3.7.1. etymology could be neuter - Abstract. Evil. The evil force could be masculine - Concrete. A person. The evil one

3.7.2. Satan meaning of devil meaning of satan Satan is FUMING Irrational in his temptation Never resting does what he can the prince of this world the strong man (luke 11:21 rev 12:3-4 // the great red dragon Rev 9:11 - apollyon - the devourer Isa 9:6 - the accuser Matt 4;3 - tempter prince of darkness the old serpent

3.7.3. What is evil? sin (Raomsn 12:9) evil age (world) Galatians 1:4 (ESV) — 4 who gave himself for our sins to deliver us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, 2 Timothy 4:10 (ESV) — 10 For Demas, in love with this present world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica. Crescens has gone to Galatia, Titus to Dalmatia. an evil heart Hebrews 3:12 (ESV) — 12 Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God. our nature (Matt 12:35), heart The heart of a man is the Trojan horse, out of which comes a whole army of lusts. Watson, Thomas (2011-11-10). The Lord's Prayer (With Active Table of Contents) (Kindle Location 7384). . Kindle Edition. "Lord, deliver me from that evil man—myself!" - Augustine Satan - teh wicked (evil) one Eph 6:16 1 John 2:13,14 1 John 3:12 1 John 5:18 1 John 5:19 Zech 3:1 - accusser

3.7.4. Places where Satan is used to test Eden Job Job 1:12 Jesus in the wilderness,driven by the Spirit

3.7.5. How to know if it's our inner lust or satan? Our sins usually are slow, whereas His are darts (Eph 6;16) ex. david number the people, sudden

3.7.6. Should we pray to be delivered from Satan? YES - Jesus did for us John 17:15 (ESV) — 15 I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. ** BUT note that he prayed - don't take them out of this world (the place we will face trials and temptations) Luke 22:31–34 (ESV) — 31 “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, 32 but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” 33 Peter said to him, “Lord, I am ready to go with you both to prison and to death.” 34 Jesus said, “I tell you, Peter, the rooster will not crow this day, until you deny three times that you know me.”

3.7.7. How might this look? We would understand the devil - do not be ignorant of teh schemes 2 Corinthians 2:11 (ESV) — 11 so that we would not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs. 2 cor 11:14 - he transforms to an angel of light often from whom we leas texpect power to resist Satans attack grace to mortify our lusts so temptation will lose it's power

4. Points

4.1. Here is an acknowledge ment of my frailty

4.2. Here is an acknooewledgement of God's providence

4.2.1. Here is the acknoweldgement that even evil is under his control

4.2.2. Satan can go no further than God allows Job Augustine - God allows sin

4.3. This is not

4.3.1. A resignation that our will does not matter. That is a weak way to view God's sovereingthy The bible says to resist the devil Col 3:5 - put to death ... 2 Tim 2:22 - flee Roma 13;14 - make not provision for 1 Thess 5:22 - abstain from 1 peter 5:8 - be sober minded, be watchful

4.4. But in all these things, we need God's help. Theis is the means

5. Illustration


5.1.1. the wise old Jewish writer Ben-Sira (2.1), `If you come to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for testing.' N. T. Wright. The Lord and His Prayer (Kindle Locations 553-554). Kindle Edition.

5.1.2. it is the prayer that the forces of destruction, of dehumanization, of anti-creation, of anti-redemption, may be bound and gagged, and that God's good world may escape from being sucked down into their morass. N. T. Wright. The Lord and His Prayer (Kindle Locations 566-567). Kindle Edition.

5.1.3. What a great quote - "He who carries about with him so much inflammable material would do well to keep the greatest possible distance from the fire." Pink, Arthur W. (2012-06-18). The Lord's Prayer (Arthur Pink Collection Book 39) (Kindle Locations 554-555). Prisbrary Publishing. Kindle Edition.

5.2. Stories

5.2.1. Likewise, Bishops Hugh Latimer and Nicholas las Ridley were burned at the stake during the persecutions of "Bloody" Queen Mary for teaching justification by faith alone. As the fire was being lit, Latimer called: "Be of good cheer, Master Ridley, and play the man. We shall this day light such a candle in England by God's grace as, I trust, shall never be put out." R.C. Sproul. The Prayer of the Lord (Kindle Locations 850-852). Kindle Edition.

5.2.2. Cru leader and his view of suffering

5.2.3. During the Iranian hostage crisis in 1979, Greg Livingstone was asked to give a “missions minute” at a large evangelical church. Since he had only one minute to speak, he decided to ask them only two questions. The first one was, “How many of you are praying for the 52 American hostages being held in Iran?” Four thousand hands went up. “Praise the Lord,” he said. “Now, put your hands down and let me ask another question: How many of you are praying for the 42 million Iranians being held hostage to Islam?” Four hands went up. Livingstone said, “What are you guys—Americans first and Christians second? I thought this was a Bible-believing church!” (Missions Frontiers [May/June, 1994]).

5.3. Facts

6. Conclusion

6.1. Christ

6.1.1. He was not kept from temptation, nor from the evil one

6.1.2. Hebrews 2:18 (ESV) — 18 For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.

6.1.3. Chris tis opposite devil is devourer, Jesu sis the saviour Devil is strong man, Jesus sis almighty God Devil is accuser, Jesus is the advocate Devli is tempter, jesus is comforter (luke 2:25) Devil is prince of darkness, Jesu sis sun of rightourwousnss Devil is old serupent. Chris tis brazen serpent (john 3:14)

6.2. when we are tempted he still loves us

6.2.1. Was not Christ himself tempted, and yet by a voice from heaven proclaimed, This is my beloved Son'? Matt 3: 17. Watson, Thomas (2011-11-10). The Lord's Prayer (With Active Table of Contents) (Kindle Location 6500). . Kindle Edition.

6.3. in temptation we shall nkow grace

6.3.1. Paul, 3 times, 2 Cor 12:8

7. recognizes god's providence

7.1. As the Abstract of Principles puts it: God from eternity, decrees or permits all things that come to pass, and perpetually upholds, directs and governs all creatures and all events; yet so as not in any wise to be the author or approver of sin nor to destroy the free will and responsibility of intelligent creatures. God is at work in ordering the fine details of his creation. "Nothing happens by chance or outside the sphere of God's providence" [The 1689 Confession, chap. 5, article 2]. Even though secondary causes are at work in our lives - whether men or devils - God has ordered them for our good and for his glory. God is not the "approver of sin" or the originator of sin, yet even the temptation to sin must operate within the sphere of his providence. He is the one that can cause even the worst of situations to work together with the orderings of his providence for our good (Rom 8:28).

8. Intro

8.1. Piper - Finally alive - Real Christians

8.2. What sells today is the promise of forgiveness. It's great. We all love that. We can be forgiven. Come and receive it. It' sgreat. Butwhat is lost is that to be saved and forgiven is that we live the life.

8.3. So the petition - first is to be forgiven and then to want to avid forgivenes

8.3.1. Derek Prime has rightly stated, "Our experience of forgiveness does not lessen our concern about our sin; rather it heightens our sensitivity to it, and our desire to avoid it" [The Lord's Prayer for Today, 132].

8.3.2. Spurgeon - it seems to me to be the natural prayer of holy horror at the very thought of falling into sin again. I

8.3.3. “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil”— a sinner in danger of being a still greater sinner. - spurgeon

9. The difficulty

9.1. Spurgeon

9.1.1. I have heard of one who’s custom was to always say, “Leave us not in temptation”— a most unwarrantable and unjustifiable alteration of Holy Scripture