Learning through cognitive development

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Learning through cognitive development by Mind Map: Learning through cognitive development

1. Suzanne's perspective

1.1. I agree more with Vgotsky and his theory of cognitive development based on an Adult has leadership over a child and a child looks up to the adult for leadership and guidance in their educational development.



3. Children attempt more difficult tasks with Adult assistance

4. Piaget

4.1. Arwa's perspective

4.1.1. The process of cognitive development takes time to progress. The are certain factors that influence development such as: interaction with family, teachers, community members, and environment fosters cognitive development.

5. Vygotsky

6. Children control their own cognitive development

6.1. C

7. Constructive process

7.1. social forces elements for development

7.1.1. Piaget

8. Similarities

8.1. View on education

8.1.1. Teachers are facilitators & guides

9. Key processes

10. Minimal Role of language

10.1. existing skill

11. Language shapes the child's thoughts

12. Differences

12.1. Vygotsky learning differences by environment

12.2. Assimilating knowledge in order

12.3. schema represents events or concepts

13. Theories of Cognitive thought

14. Adults direction is internalized thru a students self talk

15. social activities lead to internalization of complex cognitive processing

16. Zone of Proximal Development

16.1. Learning through step by step process of reading

17. Children have concrete operations beginning at 4-7yrs

17.1. Play increases learning

18. Challenge makes maxium growth

19. Theories of Behaviorism