Luke's Cleaning Services in Marietta GA

(770) 285-7091

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Luke's Cleaning Services in Marietta GA by Mind Map: Luke's Cleaning Services in Marietta GA

1. Quality House Cleaning

1.1. One time only

1.2. On a regular basis

2. Thorough Carpet Cleaning

2.1. Wall-to-wall carpets

2.2. Precious rugs

3. Spotless Window Cleaning

3.1. No more smears

3.2. No more streaks

3.3. Nearly transparent glass surfaces

4. Efficient Move Out Cleaning

4.1. Impress your landlord

4.2. Get your deposit back

5. Gentle Oven and BBQ Cleaning

5.1. No scrubbing

5.2. No abrasion

5.3. Dip tank technique