1. NCLB's requirement is that all schools have highly qualified teachers in every classroom highlighted the problem of unqualified teachers in urban schools.
2. Curriculum and Pedagogy
2.1. Teachers and students in teacher education programs too often think in very simplistic terms about what the schools teach.
2.2. Schools teach a specific curriculum that is mandated and implemented by the state education and it is organized manner within the schools.
2.3. Developmentalist Curriculum is the historical theory that I would advocate
2.3.1. Developmentalist Curriculum is related to the needs and interests of the students rather than the needs of society.
2.3.2. This curriculum emanated from the aspects of Dewey's writings related to the relationship between the child and the curriculum as well as developmental psychologists such as Piaget.
2.3.3. It is emphasized the process of teaching as well as its context.
2.3.4. The developmental curriculum stressed the importance of relating schooling to the life experiences of each child in a way that would make education come alive in a meaningful manner.
2.4. Sociology of the Curriculum concentrates on the function of what is taught in schools and its relationship to the role of schools within society.
2.4.1. Sociology of Curriculum is concerned with both the formal and informal curriculum.
2.4.2. The hidden curriculum is the theory approach that I will advocate in my classroom.
3. Educational Inequality
3.1. Unequal educational outcomes among various groups in the U.S. society.
3.2. School-Centered Explanations is that in education inequality often worked from a set of liberal political and policy assumptions about why students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.
3.2.1. Genetic Differences Cultural Deprivation Theories Cultural Difference Theories Working class and nonwhite students may indeed arrive at school with different cultural dispositions and without skills and attitudes required by the schools. Suggests that the working-class and nonwhite families often lack the cultural resources, such as books and other educational stimuli, and thus arrive at school at a significant disadvantage.
4. Educational Reform
4.1. Teachers can make a difference.
4.2. Teacher Quality
4.2.1. But it also shows that sometimes the teacher isn't highly qualified in the subject area that they teach in. That is a result in in the practice that is called out of field teaching. This is a crucial practice because highly qualified teachers actually may became highly qualified in that circumstance.
5. Equality of Oppurtunity
5.1. The United States has only been partially successful in developing an educational system that is truly meritocratic and just.
5.2. This belief in equal opportunity in the context of the social realities of life in the United States.
5.3. Calculating educational and life outcomes is measured by the people in the world. There are rich people, poor people, and people in between.
5.3.1. Class Race Gender An individual's gender was directly related to his or her educational attainment. An individual's race has a direct impact on how much education he or she is likely to achieve.
5.3.2. Student in different social classes have different kinds of educational expereinces.
5.4. The attainment of the students that are varied by race of 17 year old students is that the scale score for white students are way higher than the blacks and hispanics are academically lower.
5.5. The Coleman Study was to hopefully find rationale for federally funding those schools that were primarily attended by minority students,
5.6. The round one to responses of Coleman study.
5.6.1. Where the individual goes to school has little effect on his or her cognitive growth or educational mobility.
6. Politics of Education
6.1. Political Perspectives
6.1.1. Conservative
6.1.2. Liberal Schools place too much emphasis on discipline and authority and it limits the role of helping the students. Schools have too often limited the life chances of poor and minority children and the problem of underachievement.
6.1.3. Radical
6.1.4. Neo-liberal
6.2. The Role of School
6.2.1. Concerned with the aims
6.2.2. Concerned with the purposes
6.2.3. Concerned with the functions of education
6.3. Unequal Educational Performance
6.3.1. Rise and fall of their own intelligence
6.3.2. Different life chances
6.3.3. Educational failure are caused by the economic system
6.4. Educational Policy and Reform
6.4.1. Support from Conservatives
6.4.2. Support from Liberals
6.4.3. Support from Radicas
6.5. Education and the American Dream
6.5.1. Conservatives argue the U.S. schools
6.5.2. Conservatives argue the system
6.5.3. Conservatives believe the progressive reforms
6.6. Political Perspectives
6.6.1. John Stuart Mill
6.6.2. John Locke
6.6.3. Plato
7. History of U.S. Education
7.1. Old World Education
7.1.1. Highly stratified
7.2. New World Education
7.2.1. Brought the ideas back to England
7.3. The Age of Reform
7.3.1. The Rise of the Common School
7.3.2. Opposition to Public Education
7.3.3. Education for women and African-Americans
7.4. Urbanization and the Progressive Impetus
7.4.1. John Dewey
7.4.2. Important contributions to philosophy of education and pedagogic practice
7.5. The Emergence of the Public High School
7.5.1. Educators need to be studying to prepare for life
7.5.2. The emergence of high school is the most important because that is when students really see that they are about to get into the real world and it helps them to see the higher education that they are about to get into.
7.5.3. High school is to prepare the students to the duty of life
7.6. Education has changed over the time and has gotten better. Students have so many opportunities that they did not back in the day.
7.6.1. Equality of Opportunity The progressive reform is the one that I choose because it is a more experiential education because it engages the teacher and student needs.
8. Sociology of Education
8.1. Users of Sociology for Teachers
8.1.1. Educators must know what works and what does not for better programs to be designed.
8.1.2. Sociological research helps pinpoint the characteristics of schools that enable them to become effective learning environments.
8.2. Relation Between Schools and Students
8.2.1. Schools as well as parents, churches, synagogues shape children's perceptions of the world by processes of socialization.
8.2.2. Socialization processes can shape children's consciousness profoundly. It isn't good when the schools, wittingly and unwittingly. promote gender definitions and stereotypes when they segregate learning and extracurricular activities by gender, or when teachers allow the boys to dominate class discussions.
8.3. Theoretical Perspectives
8.3.1. Theory is like an X-ray machine: it allows one to see past the visible and obvious, and examine the hidden structure.
8.3.2. Theory is an integration of all known principles , laws, and information pertaining to a specific area of study.
8.4. Functional Theories
8.4.1. Functional sociologists begin with a picture of society that stresses the interdependence of the social system.
8.4.2. Functionalists view society as a kind of machine, where one part articulates with another to produce the dynamic energy required to make society work.
8.4.3. Emily Durkheim believed that moral values were the foundation of society.
8.5. Conflict Theory
8.5.1. Conflict sociologists do not see the relation between school and society as unproblematic or straightforward.
8.5.2. A conflict point of view, schools are similar to social battlefields, where students struggle against teachers, teachers against administrators and so on.
8.5.3. Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Randall Collins viewed the conflict school in the sociology of education.
8.6. Interactional Theories
8.6.1. Interactional theories about the relation of school and society are primarily critiques and extensions of the functional and conflict perspectives.
8.6.2. The process by which students are labeled gifted or learning disabled are, from an interactional point of view, important to analyze, because such processes carry with them many implicit assumptions about learning and children.
8.7. Effects of Schooling on Individuals
8.7.1. Knowledge and Attitudes
8.7.2. Employment
8.7.3. Education and Mobility
9. Philosophy of Education
9.1. Philosophy of education is firmly rooted in practice, whereas philosophy, as a discipline, stands on its own with no specific end in mind.
9.1.1. All teachers, regardless of their action orientation, have a personal philosophy of life that colors the way in which they select knowledge; order their classrooms; interact with students, peers, administrators; an select values to emphasize within their classrooms.
9.2. Pragmatism
9.2.1. Pragmatism is generally viewed as an American philosophy that developed in the latter part of the 19th century. Pragmatism might ask "do the results achieved solve the problem"
9.3. Generic Notions
9.3.1. Instrumentalism
9.3.2. Experimentalism
9.4. Key Reseachers
9.4.1. George Peirce
9.4.2. William James
9.4.3. John Dewey
9.5. Goal of Education
9.5.1. Dewey's vision of schools was rooted in the social order: he did not see ideas as separate from social conditions.
9.5.2. Ideas were implemented, challenged, and restructured with the goal of providing students with the knowledge to improve the social order.
9.6. Role of the Teacher
9.6.1. The teacher is no longer the authoritarian figure from which all knowledge flows; rather, the teacher assumes the position as the facilitator.
9.6.2. The teacher encourages, offers suggestions, questions, helps plan the course of study.
9.7. Method of Instruction
9.7.1. Dewey proposed that children learn both individually and in groups.
9.7.2. He believed that children should start their mode of inquiry by posing questions about what they already know.
9.8. Curriculum
9.8.1. Integrated Curriculum
9.8.2. Progressive educators are not wedded to a fixed curriculum either: rather, curriculum changes as the social order changes and as children's interests and needs change.
10. Schools as Organizations
10.1. Marion County School System
10.2. State Senators
10.2.1. Larry Stutt
10.3. Housse of Representatives
10.3.1. Mike Millican
10.4. State Superintendent
10.4.1. Tommy R. Bice
10.5. State Board Member
10.5.1. Jeffery Newman
10.6. Marion County Superintendent
10.6.1. Ryan Hollingsworth
10.7. Board Members
10.7.1. Ann West L.C. Fowler Bravell Jackson
10.8. Japan's Organization System
10.8.1. Benefits from the work ethic in the Japanese culture
10.9. Two Educational Systems
10.9.1. Traditional Public Schools Nonformal Schoools