Special Education IDEA Categories

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Special Education IDEA Categories by Mind Map: Special Education IDEA Categories

1. Allow extra time to practice new skills and to finish tasks

2. Accommodations for Students who have impaired executive Functioning

2.1. Autism


2.3. Brain Injury

3. DORE Program

4. Specific Learning Disability

4.1. The skills most often affected are: reading, writing, listening, speaking, reasoning, and doing math

4.2. dyslexia—which refers to difficulties in reading;

4.3. dysgraphia—which refers to difficulties in writing; and

4.4. dyscalcula—which refers to difficulties in math

4.5. Accomodations for Learning Disabilities

4.6. CASE STUDY: Nick

5. Deafness

5.1. Assistive Technology

6. Hearing Impairment

7. Autism

8. Multiple Disabilities

8.1. CASE STUDY: Ellie Specific LD + ADD

9. Traumatic Brain Injury

9.1. Keep classroom routines consistent

9.2. Offer students multiple ways to learn new skills and information

9.3. Communicate with families and other professionals to share information and strategies

9.4. Reduce distractions to help students focus

10. Individual Education Program Video: What is an IEP?

11. Other Health Impairments

11.1. Due to Chronic or acute health problems that adversely affects a child's performance

11.1.1. asthma

11.1.2. ADD/ ADHD

11.1.3. diabetes

11.1.4. epilepsy

11.1.5. heart condition

11.1.6. hemophilia

11.1.7. lead poisoning

11.1.8. leukemia

11.1.9. nephritis

11.1.10. rheumatic fever

11.1.11. sickle cell anemia

11.1.12. Tourette syndrome

11.2. Having limited strength, vitality, or alertness, including a heightened alertness to environmental stimuli, that results in limited alertness with respect to the educational environment

12. Speech or Language Impairment

13. Deaf-Blindness

13.1. Deaf-blindness is the combination of vision and hearing loss, requiring specific instructional strategies that address the presence of both sensory impairments

14. Intellectual Disability

15. Developmental Delay

16. Orthopedic Impairment

16.1. Accomodations

16.1.1. Communicate with families and other professionalls to coordinate care and strategies

16.1.2. Consider medical needs when planning instruction & actitivites

16.1.3. Provide seating and mobility to suit student needs

16.1.4. Think about the essence of the skills you want to teach, identify a multitude of ways students can engage and demonstrate learning

17. Visual Impairment, Including Blindness

17.1. Adaptive P.E. Games

17.2. Assistive Technology

17.2.1. Video Magnifiers

17.2.2. Braille Technology

17.2.3. Optical Character Recognition systems

17.2.4. Speech Systems

17.2.5. Magnification Programs for the Computer Screen

18. Emotional Disturbance

18.1. CASE STUDY: Megan

19. Assisted Learning Links