PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Develop Intensive Teacher Professional Development Programs That Focus Intentionally on 21st Century Skills Instruction (Based on Partnership For 21st Century Skills, 2007)
by Heather Cooke
1. Implementation Considerations
1.1. Phased Approach
1.2. Initial Self-Assessment
1.3. Scalable Goals
1.4. Leadership Team
1.5. Scalability and Sustainability
1.5.1. The Intel Teach Model
1.6. New Teacher Standards and Assessments
2. 21st Century Skills
2.1. Key Subjects
2.2. Key Interdisciplinary Themes
2.3. Learning and Innovation Skills
2.4. Information, Media and Technology Skills
2.5. Life and Career Skills
3. Why Create a PD Program?
3.1. U.S. education no longer globally competive
3.2. Greater demands in the workplace
3.3. U.S. no longer leaders in international innovation
4. Characteristics of a Successful PD Program
4.1. Ensure educators understand importance of 21st century skills and how to integrate them into instruction
4.1.1. The George Lucas Educational Foundation
4.2. Enable collaboration among all participants
4.2.1. e-Mentoring for Student Success
4.3. All teachers and principals to construct their own learning communities
4.4. Tap the expertise within a school or district through coaching, mentoring and team teaching
4.5. Support educators in their role of facilitators of learning
4.6. Use 21st century tools
4.6.1. EdTech Leaders Online
4.6.2. WGBH Teacher's Domain