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Earthquakes by Mind Map: Earthquakes

1. Seismic waves

2. Magnitude

3. Pressure

4. Tension

5. Density

6. molten rock

7. boundaries

8. collison plate margin

9. Tremors

10. Epicenter

11. Divergent

12. Magnitude

13. s waves

14. p waves

15. Surface waves

16. measures earthquakes

17. middle of earthquake

18. results

19. Seismometer

20. Belt

21. vibrations

22. Convergent

23. Tectonic Plates

23.1. Destinations

23.2. after shocks

24. Amplitude

25. Moment Magnitude

26. crumbles

27. upward

28. After Shocks

29. Richter Scale

30. Transform

31. Convergent

32. results in

33. measures movement

34. why they happen