Demonstrative Pronouns.

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Demonstrative Pronouns. by Mind Map: Demonstrative Pronouns.

1. Conclusion - The demonstrative pronouns are those that are used to determine the location of things. Los pronombres demostrativos son: · this éste, esto, ésta · that aquél, aquello, aquella, eso, ésa · these éstos, éstas · those aquéllos, aquéllas

2. That

2.1. That is used when the object is far, in singular

2.2. That house is expensive. Aquella casa es costosa. That dog is bad. Aquel perro es malo.

3. This

3.1. This is used when the object is near, in singular

3.2. This flower is beautiful. Esta flor es hermosa. This car is dirty. Este automóvil está sucio.

4. These

4.1. These is used when the objects are near, in plural

4.2. These apples are cheap. Estas manzanas son baratas. These pencils are in the box. Estos lápices están en la caja.

5. Those

5.1. Those is used when the objects is far, in plural

5.2. Those stars are in the sky. Aquellas estrellas están en el cielo. Those boys are my friends. Aquellos niños son mis amigos.