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3D Printing by Mind Map: 3D Printing

1. History

1.1. 3D Printing History

1.2. Differences with the usual printer

2. Limitation

2.1. Unfeasibility

2.2. Not competitive

2.3. Remained labor cost

3. principle

3.1. ink-jet printing

3.2. technology

3.2.1. material

4. Social assessment

4.1. positive attitude

4.1.1. 3D Printing Is About To Change The World Forever

4.1.2. 3D Printed Optics

4.1.3. How 3-D printing will radically change the world

4.2. netative attitude

4.2.1. Is 3D printing an environmental win?

4.2.2. The dark side of 3D printing: 10 things to watch

4.3. conclusion

4.3.1. as time went by, people will notice whether the 3D printing is good or not.And i believe that the 3D printing does the milestond of modern scientific development.