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Park Design by Mind Map: Park Design

1. 4. Circumference

1.1. Diameter of circle

1.2. radius of circle

2. 5. Unit Conversions

2.1. Convert meters to centimeters

2.2. In order to find the measurements of the given shapes we had to convert the grid scale to actual size.

2.2.1. 1unit = 1m

3. How can we apply Geometry and measurement to a real-world example? Let's become architects for the day and see what we can build!!

4. 1. Volume

4.1. V=pi*r2*h

4.2. Volume of a cylinder

4.2.1. Found the volume of the swimming in order to decide how much water was needed.

5. 3. Distance

5.1. Using our previous knowledge about sine, cosine, and tangent, students were able to measure distances from certain object in order to place other objects.


5.3. We investigated how the sun was shining on certain objects and set up proportions to solve.

6. 2. Area

6.1. A=base*height

6.2. A=pi*r2

6.3. A=(1/2)base*height

6.4. Find area of a composite figure

6.4.1. Split composite into shapes we can find the Area of then combine them We found the area of the playground in order to cover the ground with mulch.