Demonstrative pronoun

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Demonstrative pronoun by Mind Map: Demonstrative pronoun

1. These pronouns help us position different objects , things, or people in the distance.

2. There are 4:

3. this

4. that

5. these

6. those

7. This is my seat

8. That is our train

9. These are your tickets

10. Those are our toys

11. important

12. A. Remember that the following nouns are irregular plurals in English, so the demonstration that will accompany these / those:

13. children, men, women, people

14. B. Demonstrative this / that ( these / those ) can also be pronouns :

15. This costs more than that. These are my children.

16. C. In a telephone conversation , This is used to identify the caller , while That is used to identify the person receiving the call :

17. Hello. This is Jerry. Is that Tom?