My Foundations Of Education

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My Foundations Of Education by Mind Map: My Foundations Of Education

1. Philosophy of Education

2. Equality of Opportunity

3. Politics of Education

3.1. Conservative View

3.1.1. William Graham Sumner/ Social Darwinsim

3.1.2. Only the fittest survive/ groups and individuals need to adapt to change in social environment and human progress is dependent individual initiative

3.1.3. free market and market economy of capitalism

3.2. Traditional Vision

3.2.1. general representation of education

3.2.2. views schools are necessary to the transmission of the traditional values of the U.S.

3.2.3. examples: hard work, family unity, and individual intitative

4. Schools as Organizations

5. Curriculum and Pedagogy

6. History of U.S. Education

6.1. Reform Movement

6.1.1. Common School and the Industrial Revolution

6.1.2. the road to secular paradise was through education/ most people were illiterate

6.1.3. free public education (Horace Mann) normal schoo

6.2. Historical Interpretation of U.S. Education

6.2.1. Committee of Ten/ The National Education Association/ Carnegie Foundation

6.2.2. 1896: Plessy vs. Ferguson

6.2.3. 2002: The No Child Left Behind Act

7. Sociological Perspectives

7.1. Theoretical perspective between school and society

7.1.1. Ideas about Facts/ Persell's book Education and Inequality/ the use of sociology for teachers

7.1.2. "How does society look in it's most basic form?" theory an integration of all known principles, laws, and information pertaining to a specific area of study

7.1.3. Functional: picture of society that stresses the interdependence of the social system. Conflict: society is economical, political, cultural, and military powers. Interactional: critiques and extensions of the functional and conflict perspectives.

7.2. 3 Effects of schooling on individuals that have the greatest impact on student

7.2.1. Knowledge and attitudes

7.2.2. employment

7.2.3. education and mobility

8. Educational Inequality

9. Educational Reform