Demonstrative Pronouns (This, These,That, Those)

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Demonstrative Pronouns (This, These,That, Those) da Mind Map: Demonstrative Pronouns      (This, These,That, Those)

1. A demonstrative pronoun represents a thing or things

2. Uses

2.1. Near in distance or time (this,these)

2.2. Far in distance or time (that,those)

3. Singular

3.1. this, that

4. Plural

4.1. these, those

5. This, These

5.1. We use This / These for things near us

5.1.1. Example

5.1.2. This is my camera

5.1.3. these are my gloves

6. That, Those

6.1. We use That / Those for things far away from us.

6.1.1. Example

6.1.2. That is my scarf

6.1.3. Those are my jeans