Lesson plans

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Lesson plans by Mind Map: Lesson plans

1. Collaborative document

1.1. Collaborative Lesson

1.1.1. Activate, Acquire, Apply Students will know that they can create tutorials, or search the web for tutorials to help them troubleshoot. Students will follow a tutorial that will help them troubleshoot. Students will contribute to the mindmiester map. Activate: Students will be asked if they have any issues editing the mindmeister map. Primary questions will be posted on board. Acquire: Students acquire knowledge by going to the classroom blog and watching the video tutorial created by the teacher. Apply: Students will apply their knowledge by following the video. This video will stay on the blog for future reference.

1.1.2. Resources Access to school computer or own device, which will allow them access to necessary applications. Google Docs, Screencastify, Twitter, Blogger, ICT Continuum, Internet Access.

1.1.3. Prerequisites Prior knowledge of software. Mindmeister Log In, Use, Etc. Use of Twitter and or Mindmiester sharing tools to share editing link. Ability to find Teacher's Blog on the internet.

1.1.4. Notes For this lesson we are making the assumption that students are somewhat familiar with applications such as Twitter,

1.1.5. Continuum Objectives Affective Affective - S-1.1 identifies uses of ICT at home, at school, at work, and in the community, Co-2.1 collaborates with peers to accomplish self-directed learning with ICT in various settings, M-1.3 recalls prior knowledge of procedures for troubleshooting and attempts to solve ICT problems. Cognitive P-1.2 follows given plans, G-2.1 refines information searches using a variety of media sources, G-3.1 incorporates new information with prior knowledge and adjusts inquiry strategies.

1.2. Psychology - Topic 3 Describe Theories of Emotion

1.2.1. Activate: Open lesson with "what does emotion mean to you?" and "do you think that we can categorize that emotion?" Acquire: Students will be required to go online to find the four theories and answer the categories. Students will be broken up into groups for this assignment. Apply:Students will apply their knowledge in a collaborative online mind map in mind meister. A video tutorial will be provided for them to use as a reference..

1.2.2. 2.3.5 Describe theories of emotion.

1.3. Assessment: Formative. Teacher will assess the mind map online and print it off. A discussion will be held on the information provided in the mind map. Students will receive a copy of the mind map.

1.4. Essential Question: What are the four theories of emotion?

1.5. Students will describe the four theories of emotion. Students will share there findings on a collaborative mind map. The Four Theories, the founders, what are the specifics of the theories and examples of those theories in everyday life.

1.6. Video Tutorial: https://t.co/9CYA1kjdMv

2. Podcast - Anishinabemowin oral practice

2.1. Podcast - https://soundcloud.com/user-73481838/anishinabelesson

2.2. GLO 1: Language Competence. SLO 1.2.2 Formal and Informal Speech (Register)

2.2.1. Activation: Students will be sent a link to the link to the podcast through twitter. It will also be posted on the teacher's blog. Prior to getting the link, students would have practiced pronunciation in class. This assessment will not only test their pronunciation, but their ability to speak with fluidity.

2.2.2. Acquire: Students will use prior knowledge. Prior knowledge comes from the pronunciation class. Further knowledge will be acquired by listening to the podcast.

2.2.3. Apply: Students will apply their knowledge on their own, and in class when they have conversations with each other. They will be assessed in class.

2.2.4. Learning Experience: Students will learn the basics of Anishinabemowin. The basics will provide them with a base to build upon to reach fluency.

2.2.5. Formative Assessment: The teacher will listen to the students speak in class, and guide them in their conversations. After students have completed the speaking portion of the class, they will practice writing the words according to the phrase book.

2.3. Internet Archive

2.4. Prerequisites - Students will need to know how to create and access email accounts. Knowledge of how to access the teachers blog and twitter will be required. Knowledge of accessing podcasts on sound cloud will also be required.

2.5. Notes: Students may require help in finding the podcast. Be sure to go over the steps in finding the podcast.

2.6. Resources

2.6.1. Audacity, blogger, twitter, "A Saulteaux phrase book" by Paul Voorhis, and smart board technology.

2.7. Continuum Outcomes

2.7.1. Cognitive - P-1.2 follows given plans. G-1.1 finds and collects information (text, images, data, audio, video) from given media sources

2.7.2. Affective - E-2.1 applies school division’s acceptable-use policy for ICT. S-1.1 identifies uses of ICT at home, at school, at work, and in the community

3. Videocast - Senior 1 ELA

3.1. Screencastify Recordings "The Fishing Trip Part 2 Uploading to Youtube" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtstV4tt5-8

3.2. Screencastify Recording "The Fishing Trip Tutorial 1" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ty39m3W0_RQ

3.3. General Learning Outcome 2 Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, and other media texts. Specific Learning Outcomes: Experience Various Texts (2.2.1) Experience texts from a variety of forms and genres and cultural traditions; explain various interpretations of the same text. Appreciate the Artistry of Texts (2.2.3) Discuss how word choice and supporting details in oral, literary, and media texts [including books, drama, and oral presentations] affect purpose and audience. Techniques and Elements (2.3.2) Examine the use of a variety of techniques to portray gender, cultures, and socio-economic groups in oral, literary [including books], and media texts.

3.3.1. Activation: Students will be shown a graphic story. A discussion will take place on what they believe is happening in the story. Questions: What do you think is happening right now? What do you think the story is about? What might the characters be thinking or portraying? What message is being portrayed in the story?

3.3.2. Acquire: Knowledge is acquired through the discussion period. This is intended to give the students an outline of what is expected in the comment sections. Knowledge is also acquired when the teacher shows students how to access the programs and use those programs. 2 tutorials will also be made to ensure students have something to refer to in case of issues.

3.3.3. Apply: Students will apply their knowledge by: 1) recording videos of their own 2)creating their own short graphic stories 3) utilize critical thinking and analytical skills in the comment section 4) Group discussion in class.

3.3.4. Assessment: Evaluation is formative. Students will e evaluated by the teacher. The teacher will read the comment section and a discussion will take place in class.

3.3.5. Learning Experience: Students will rely on their knowledge of story writing to create a short graphic story on ms paint. Students will demonstrate critical thinking and analytical skills by having group discussions in the comment section of the youtube videos.

3.4. Students are to create their own individual graphic stories on ms paint. Students are not evaluated on their images, instead they will be evaluated on their contributions to the comments in the videos. This will also be effective as the teacher can check to see who has contributed to discussions in the comment sections.

3.5. Resources

3.5.1. Screencastify, google (drive&mail), MS paint, Youtube

3.6. Prerequisites: Students should have a base understanding of how youtube and google work. It is also assumed that students will have knowledge of screencastify. Review may be required in order to ensure that students understand the programs. Students will also need to have knowledge of how a story works.

3.7. Continuum Outcomes

3.7.1. Cognitive - P-2.1 constructs “how and why” questions, predictions, hunches, educated guesses, and hypotheses and identifies information needs.P-1.2 follows given plans. G-3.2 assesses textual, numerical, aural, and visual information, as well as the sources of the media, to determine context, perspective, bias, and/or motive. Pr-3.1 designs and creates non-sequential ICT representations. Pr-1.2 composes text, records sound, sketches images, graphs data, and/or creates video

3.7.2. Affective: S-1.1 identifies uses of ICT at home, at school, at work, and in the community. Co-1.1 works with others in teacher-directed learning tasks using ICT and assists others with ICT knowledge and procedures. Co-2.2 collaborates with others over distance using ICT

4. Map Lesson

4.1. Grade 10 Cluster 1 Geographic Literacy - Activation

4.1.1. KL-008 Define the term geography. KC-001 Give examples of ways in which geographic knowledge and understanding can inform decision making. S-100 Collaborate with others to achieve group goals and responsibilities. Activation Using google earth, students will be given 2 minutes of exploring google earth. In small groups, students brainstorm examples of how they use geographic knowledge to make everyday decisions. Examples: finding the way to school or another location, deciding how to dress for the weather, describing physical features, understanding and locating a natural disaster… Acquire Students will acquire knowledge by sharing their findings as a group. The purpose of this is to ensure that all students have an understanding of the different geographic lines. 5 minutes Apply Groups report examples to the class. • Record examples on the board or flip chart and discuss with students the various ways that geographic knowledge is used in their daily lives. Assessment

4.1.2. Learning Experience KL-008 Define the term geography. KC-001 Give examples of ways in which geographic knowledge and understanding can inform decision making. S-100 Collaborate with others to achieve group goals and responsibilities. This learning experience introduces students to the concept of geography, and provides an opportunity to review various definitions and to develop their own. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of geographic knowledge and skills, and personal and collective decision-making processes. This learning experience also focuses on the important geographic knowledge and collaboration skills involved in working with others to fulfill responsibilities. Review

4.1.3. Resources Google Maps/earth, Projector/Smart Board, Computers, google docs Computer lab. Book at least a week in advance.

4.1.4. Notes Learning Experience 1.1: What Is Geography? Grade 10 (Senior 2) Social Studies Geographic Issues of the 21st Century: Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomes and A Foundation for Implementation KL-008 Define the term geography. KC-001 Give examples of ways in which geographic knowledge and understanding can inform decision making. S-100 Collaborate with others to achieve group goals and responsibilities. The reason for doing this lesson on google earth is to allow students the opportunity to get a visual representation of the earth and to see earth from a different perspective Manitoba Grade 10 Social Studies Curriculum Computer room. Smart board based instruction. See "assessment" node.

4.2. Continuum Outcomes

4.2.1. Apply P-3.2 designs own electronic plans View examples (examples: electronic storyboards, outlines, timelines, graphic organizers...) View supporting skills sa2.2 manages electronic files and folders sa2.3 moves data between applications sc2.3 constructs graphic organizers, tables, spreadsheets, databases, multimedia presentations and/or web pages Co-2.1 collaborates with peers to accomplish self-directed learning with ICT in various settings View examples (examples: assumes assigned group roles, sets group goals, solves group productivity issues...)

4.2.2. Acquire G-2.1 refines information searches using a variety of media sources Co-1.1 works with others in teacher-directed learning tasks using ICT and assists others with ICT knowledge and procedures View examples (examples: listens actively to a partner, collaborates in creating ICT products, participates in team webquests...

4.2.3. Activation P-1.1 recalls and/or records prior knowledge and asks topic-related questions Co-3.1 leads a group in the process of collaborative learning View examples (examples: motivates team members, values contributions of team members, manages group conflict, works toward consensus...)

4.3. Google Map exemplar: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=z45qzRYVxgew.kI1_9xX1zLow&usp=sharing

4.3.1. Questions to ask: What do we see? Is there a quicker way to travel this distance? What might you do differently?

4.4. Prerequisites

4.4.1. Students will need to know how to use the google maps app on google. Specifically, students will need to know how to create a link from point A to point B. They should also know how to embed maps, or copy and paste onto word docs for printing or display.